That Day Will Never Come...

I'm sad. Reason why? Because when I planned to move out Friday, I found out that I can't. I want to but when I had called my uncle for some advice he said it was a bad idea. Because for one I don't have a steady job or money to pay for rent. It doesn't give my parents enough time to process. So my number one priority is getting a job and then move out. I plan to love sometime this month or next. I wan tro move out as soon as possible. I am so sad and upset. I already moved my stuff. Damn. Just great. 


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living alone is going to be tough
even with a low paying job, it will be tough to let the end meet
It's okay dear! I've been through something the same. I mean I've never moved my things out of my house, but I've come really close to moving out only to be stopped in my tracks by people I really trust. They put my head on straight and made me realize how much I really needed to plan before I made any irrational decisions. And the sad thing is, is that I myself wasn't able to land a job until three or four months after I began to search. >< So, yes, get a job and make sure that you have a steady income so that you can pay rent and don't worry, you'll make it through :) Just make sure that you're able to think about everything that goes along with moving out. :) I know you're capable of it and I know that you need to move out soon, but take it one step at a time and not in big leaps. :)
*pat your shoulder and hugging u tight* it'll be ok dear :)

I know how that feels =.=