✥ Phoenix Killer App Form ✥ Park Min Mi







Code Name : Illa

Phoenix Number : 27



Account name : caramelsweet



Name : Park Min Mi

Age  : 18

Nicknames  : Mimi - No reasons actually. Out of nowhere, someone called her that and the others followed. I guess its cause its quite hard to pronounce the 'n' in her name 

Birthday : 1st October

Birthplace : Seoul, South Korea

Hometown : New York City, USA

Languages  : Korean - quite fluent but there is still a bit of accent.

                         English - Very fluent

                         Mandarin  - quite fluent

Height/Weight : 155 cm. 45kg

Blood type : B+



Ulzzang Name : Park Sora

Ulzzang Pics  :  one  l  two  l  three  l  four  l  five  l  six  l  seven  l  eight

Backup Ulzzang : Kim Seuk Hye

Backup Ulzzang pics  :  one  l  two  l  three  l  four



Style : She prefers wearing shorts and pants over skirts and dresses. She is a more of a shorts person. She loves wearing high heels, she wears high heels every single day. She's more comfortable in high heels than sneakers, its as if she was born to wear high heels rather than sneakers. For shirt wise, she wears anything comfortable. For accecories, she only wears a bracelet, earring and rings. She doesn't wear necklaces since her skin around her neck is quite allergic to it when she's sweating.

Casual :   Shorts/pants and shirts with high heels. Style one  l  two  l  three  l  four 

Formal : dresses that aren't too formal and aren't too casual. OR dressy tops and pants.  style one ( front, side, back)  l  two  l   three  l  four

Swimsuit : She wears bikinis.  one  l  two  l  three

Sleepwear : normally she would wear shorts and tank tops or shirts.  one  l  two (imagine its shorts instead of tights :) )



Personality : She is very cheerful and hyperactive. A smile is always plastered on her face. She doesn't like showing people her emotions, like if she's feeling sad or in pain, she hides it with her smile, she doesn't want to show people her vulnerable side. She is very talkative, she doesn't know when to shut up. She always try to be positive, i mean what could be much worser than being a killer, no? She always tries to only think of the positive side of the job. She whines over small things. She is very stubborn and lazy. If she makes a decision to not do it, she won't do it and no one can change her mind. She's lazy in terms of waking up and cleaning, and also when she's seating on a couch or a chair and if someone ask her to do something, she won't do it cause she's lazy to get up and move. She is quite clumsy, tripping over nothing. When it comes to job, its a 360 degree change, she becomes very cold and heartless. She doesn't feel anything when she's doing her job, she only wants to finish her job quickly. 

Likes : Chocolates  l  ice cream  l  High heels  l  Sleep  l  Adventuring  l  Horror stuffs  l  Adventuring  l  Animals

Dislikes :  Cleaning  l  Being ordered around  l  when someone tells her to wake up, she would throw a string of profanities/curses at that someone  l  Spicy foods  l  Insects  l  Worms

Habits :  Clapping her hands while laughing  l  squishing her cheeks when she's bored  l  Hugging someone unconsciously when she's sleeping  l  Sticking out her tongue and biting it when she's concentrating

Hobbies :  Training by herself so that she could get stronger  l  Dancing  l  Cooking  l  Baking  

Talents (less than 5):    Dancing  l  Gymnastics  l  A good cook and baker  l  can twist her body into shapes and positions that ordinary people cannot, lets just say she's very flexible.



Background : She is an orphan. She doesn't know who her parents are, heck, she could have even killed her parents without knowing it. All she knew is that her parents had given birth to her at Seoul and she was brought to an orphanage at New York City since her caretaker told her that The orphanage was like her home. Her caretaker whom she called 'Auntie' took care of her since the day she was sent to the orphanage. Min Mi was sent to a gymnastic school since Auntie told her that her parents wanted her to go to a gymnast school for some reasons. At the age of 14, Min Mi was forced leave the orphanage.



Love Interest 1: Chanyeol

How You Met :  Min Mi was tasked to kill him, she was in a cafe, drinking a cup of coffee while keeping an eye on the playboy, Chanyeol. Chanyeol being him, was on a date with one of his girls, he saw Min Mi staring at him and winked at her. She just played along, winking back. When his date said she had to go, he just nods his head and watch her go. After he saw her go, he went to Min Mi and flirt with her while Min Mi played along.

Love Interest 2 : Luhan

How You Met : Min Mi was following him, while drinking a smoothie, being the clumsy her, she tripped over nothing making her spilled her drink on two huge black dog which angered it. She ended up being chased, she screamed for help, she was suddenly being pulled to a park by a guy with the dog behind them. They went to a big tree, he told her to climb up the tree. She climbed up the tree and looked at the guy as he was climbing, she saw the dog coming towards him, she pulled him up when the dog almost bit him. Min Mi took a closer look at his face and to her surprised, it was Luhan.



Code Name : Illa - Last time in the orphanage, her friend and her had found a bird who was injured. They brought it to the vet and took care of it, naming it illa. They took care of it till the day it died. She named herself illa cause it was her first pet.

Persona name : Kim Hyun Ri

Your Killer Number  : 27

You'll be having a tattoo but state where is it : at her right hip.

Main Weapon : A pair of knuckle knifes. (  1  ,  2  )

Side Weapons : Spiked Heels which has a hidden blade underneath it. She has to press the buckle for the blades to come out.  A black gymnast ribbon , she uses it to choke/tie/cover the mouth of someone or use her ribbon to bring her target to her. A gun which she rarely uses.

Years of Training : 4 years.

How You Were Found : She was found on the street under a bridge, seeking shelter. A man found her and took her in seeing her vulnerable state.



Comments : Hope you like it and HWAITING!! :D

Suggestions : Nope none at the moment. 





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interesting killer XD n i added something at the PHOENIX KILLER section, so u can just comment the answer here and if there's an questions updated, i'll inform u.. BTW: i shouldnt have put the HOW YOU MET with ur love interest coz i'm supposed to do it,but since urs already did it,if i pick u,i'm just gonna do it like u state it then ^^ thank u for applying!