Operation: High School application ░ Morikawa Nana


Are you ready for high school

{the brain}

ayy girl, wassup?

NameCoralie or Cora, whichever you prefer :D 
Activeness: 8

fight for freedom

Character's name: Morikawa Nana 

Alias: Choi Minyoung 


 Little Ningyo (Little Doll): First called this by her father when she was a child due to her doll-like looks, it's either used affectionately by her parents and her unnies' in the group, or as a slightly scathing term by those who aren't close to her that refers to her typically expressionless face or indifferent attitude. 

Date of Birth / Age: 8th April 1992 / 20

Place of birth: Jeju Island, South Korea 

Hometown: Kanagawa, Japan 


Languages known: 

  • Japanese {Fluent} - Raised in Japan
  • Korean {Fluent} - Was raised to speak Korean within her home 
  • Mandarin {Fluent} - Her mother decided early on that languages were important for anyone to learn to broaden their mind so Mandarin was the first language Nana was enrolled in when she was in early elementary school. In 10th grade, her father also signed her up for a year long student exchange to Shanghai through a program offered in the international school that she had attended.
  • Spanish {Fluent} - Received a Spanish tutor in 5th grade when Nana's parents noted that it had become the second most spoken language in the world.
  • English {Advanced} - Studied it in international school from middle grade at her mother's insistence. She hasn't quite been able to shake off her Spanish accent when she speaks in English, though. 
  • Russian {Conversational} - Picked up conversational Russian fairly recently for a mission simulation

every day i make history


an indifferent sheep ---- While her attitude points to sheer laziness, Morikawa Nana is simply more apathetic to life than most people. This attitude most likely stems from her incredible memory and knack for academics, combined with her family's wealth and her doll-like looks - as of yet, she's never had to work very hard for anything before. Whatever the topic, she can easily grasp the concepts thrown at her that's for sure. Perhaps it is because of this sort of spoiled lifestyle that Nana strongly believes in 'effort minimization'. If there's a way to effectively cut her workload, she will certainly do it. Furthermore, while Nana will often do what she's told (refusing to would often just be more troublesome for her) as long as the essentials of the job gets done she won't expend extra energy striving for more than what will placate her superiors. Admittedly with her talents though, Nana's standard of work is still quite above the average person's even without much effort on her part. The problem with her laidback nature is that Nana can be easily used by others if she thinks it will be too much trouble and too little payoff to oppose them. Either way she never usually cares that much,  and she's not the type to be judgemental. 


❖ people are troublesome ---- Nana's more the introvert than otherwise (socializing is tiring you know), and she usually sports an impressively blank look on her face without trying and can be a bit, well, socially stunted. She'll pull off the bare minimum of polite social protocol, sure, but she hasn't got the patience for much small talk and she's certainly not known for her amicability. You can't trust her to put effort in stimulating the conversation if she's not interested in the topic - but mention the very few things she's actually enamored with and Nana instantly perks up; it's like a dam's burst. She almost becomes a different person with all her bright smiles, dramatic hand gestures and a flow of facts that just won't stop until she's drained whatever energy she has left and decides to take a nap. She becomes a detail-oriented perfectionist when it comes to her interests, and it is around her younger brother that she tends to slip into this brighter mode more easily. That said though, it's mainly a private thing that hardly sees the light in public. 

❖ what's with all the drama? ---- Because Nana's more the type to sit back and watch, she's become the sort of observer that unwittingly collects all these facts about people and connects the dots to see the full picture about them; she knows everything about everyone. That said, she isn't really interested in manipulating this information outside of her job, and when she does she's not above a bit of underhanded behaviour.

❖ there's always a way out ---- Nana dislikes most forms of emotional conflict and confrontation. She thinks that strong emotions like hate lowers your rationality and consume too much energy with not enough benefit, and she can't deal with it well when it hits her. In the face of negative emotion, Nana is an escapist - she internalizes her problems and disappears for the rest of the day to sleep it off somewhere private if it's so intense that she honestly can't handle it; she'll try her utmost to forget about whatever is making her feel horrible. This is also how she'll deal with physical altercations that could occur if she were out on a field mission. She's got enough physical training so as not to be a complete liability, but her speciality is being a slippery bugger and hightailing it safely outta there, which could be either seen as cowardly or effective survival. However when push comes to a hard shove she will staunchly try to protect those she truly loves if need be. 

Family background: Born to two internationally successful designers, Nana has so far lived a privileged life. Her parents met on a Korea-Japan designer's friendship project, and eventually married on Jeju Island, South Korea but relocated to Tokyo for career purposes. Her mother worked her way up to become the senior interior designer at Wonderwall Inc. and often travels to meet with clients, oversee projects and undertake field research. She was able to spend more time with her children when they were young but when Nana hit 11 years old her career catapulted and since then hasn't been able to spend more than a week at home in Tokyo before jetting off again. She's obstinate about keeping contact with her family though, and abuses free calls on Skype frequently. Nana's father is generally the one at home since his work is mainly Japan-based, but he does go for short business trips within the country often. 

Her mother comes from a long line of scholars so even if she isn't directly involved in the academic field, she is incredibly thorough with her children's education. She wouldn't spare a cent when it comes to learning, and both she and her husband take the matter very seriously. 


  • the seaside - it's calming, it's refreshing, it's slow-paced and many visitors sort of slump into the kind of lazy holiday mode that Nana privately thinks should be humanity's default emotional setting anyway
  • coffee - she especially loves straight up shots of espresso, and she's the kind of snobby coffee connoisseur who is particular about the quality of the bean and the skill of the roast. 
  • codes - decoding, encoding - they're another type of language for her, and because of all her background in languages from a young age, her initial indifference towards them have very slowly become one of her passions 
  • crossword puzzles
  • free wifi


  • summer - admittedly it's a love-hate relationship because as much as she loves the extra national holidays and having nothing to do, she also really dislikes the sticky humidity
  • working overtime; too much work in general - though Nana's sense of what constitutes a satisfactory workload is quite skewed compared to that of the average person's lol
  • repeating herself - for politeness' sake Nana will repeat herself once, but after that she just gives up. 
  • small talk - not worth her time, in her opinion
  • mung beans - Nana handles bland food, sear-your-tastebuds-off spicy food, sour or sweet food like they all taste the same and generally doesn't care about what she eats, but she'll find any excuse necessary to avoid  mung beans.


While it's kind of hard to say Nana really has five+ hobbies persay, she doesn't mind

  • cafe hopping - as aforementioned, Nana isn't particularly the judgemental type but she will analyze the quality of your coffee to the tee and nitpick everything she can about it, and not in her usual objective way where she simply lays down the facts as she sees it. Nope, when it comes to coffee she is downright emotionally invested. 
  • translating; decoding - dislikes interpretation though, too much on-the-spot pressure for her
  • stargazing


  • people watching
  • taking naps
  • lazing around in bed - she actually does wake up extremely early but tends to loll around in bed for about an hour before getting up 
  • skinship - in the form of practically draping her body on someone else's. Standing for 'long' periods of time seem to be too much for Nana, so she gets lazy and leans on the person closest to her instead, whether or not she is actually acquainted with them. She likes it especially when that person's shoulders are perfectly aligned with her head so she can rest it there comfortably. 
  • straightforwardness - Nana doesn't mince words and tends to speak more in hard facts, statistics or plain observations rather than subjectivity.

    She makes observational side comments that are often misinterpreted as insults, but Nana really doesn't mean ill by this - it's more her calling it as she sees it a case of verbal diarrhoea maybe? Besides, it's not all bad, she says things that could be taken as a compliment or inappropriate pick up line ("Your looks really firm to the touch.") but in such a bland tone that one can't be blamed for wondering whether this is somehow an insult as well. If she had to be totally honest though she gets a little kick out of doing the latter, particularly when it comes to people who easily fluster when it comes to things that can come off as ual. Nana likes watching them squirm.  
  • slumping - she's apparently incapable of sitting straight for an extended period of time and she ends up slumped halfway down her chair or with her torso and arms sprawled on one side of her desk
  • biting the inside of her cheek - on the rare occasion that she does get emotional, she does this in an attempt to calm herself down. If this fails, she literally runs away to be by herself until she feels normal again. 


  • Has terrible stamina - it's another reason why escape is her best option in a fight, because she wouldn't last more than a minute 
  • An insomniac - drifts into sleep at the drop of the hat during the day, can barely manage more than a few hours during the night
  • Persistently nagged by her younger brother to play strategy games like chess & shogi with him. She's usually the victor. 
  • Watches scientific documentaries with her brother at his insistence - he's obsessed with them
  • She used to skip classes a lot, mainly because she'd have overslept during a nap. 
  • Has the dancing ability of a fish out of water
  • While thoroughly adept at musical theory she can't play an instrument or sing to save her life. She has almost no sense of rhythm at all. 
  • Her father's planetarium is her favourite place to stargaze 
  • Terrified of the prospect of cheering people up - despite all her observations of humans, she herself deals with problems by running away from them even though she knows it's certainly not a healthy habit. Nana doesn't want to give bad advice to the few she actually likes. 

i t's all lies

UlzzangSong Ah Ri 

Pictures: x x x x x x x

Back up ulzzang: Mizuhara Kiko

Picturesx x x x




Styled by her mother:

x x x x 

Left to her own devices:

x x x x

Personally, Nana gravitates towards simple clothes that are designed more for comfort and practicality, like baggy sweaters, loose button up blouses, that sort of thing. She also prefers wearing light summer dresses when the weather permits because she thinks that onepieces are a girl's lazy way out of matching an outfit. In all honesty she'd probably wear sweatpants and pyjamas all the time but her parents' squawk at the thought of it. 

Nana's wardrobe however is 75% purchased by her mother, who adores finding things for her daughter while she's overseas and dressing her up. Whenever Nana is styled by her, she ends up sporting cute skirts and dresses with lace accents, and accessories like bows and stylish hats that Nana considers wholly unnecessary. She doesn't give a flying duck in wearing whatever her mother (or whoever, really) throws at her as long as it's relatively comfortable and hey, it makes her mother happy so why not? Even if it is for reasons she can't fathom at all. 

ExtrasNana has one piercing in each earlobe that are frequently on the brink of closing up because she doesn't usually bother with them. 

what is love


❖ Morikawa Takasei| 42| Landscape Designer  | Father | Alive | Easygoing, quiet, patient, detail-oriented| Relatively close → While not as overtly vocal about his affection for his children compared to his wife, he always tries to be there for his kids  when they need him and quietly offer his support. He likes to play shogi (a Japanese game similar to chess) with them both when he finds spare time, but particularly enjoys playing against Nana because he likes to see her actually have to put effort into besting him. 

❖ Morikawa Hee Ra (Chae Hee Ra) | 45 | Senior Interior Designer| Mother | Alive | Ambitious, stubborn, exciteable, doting | Relatively close  Hee Ra, despite being highly ambitious in her career, is someone who holds family (and their education) to the utmost importance. She makes time for her children whenever she can, and she loves to spoil them rotten with hugs and gifts. Even though Nana thinks her mother to be quite tiresome, she really does love her. After all, Nana quietly puts up with Hee Ra's overexcited rambling and dress up sessions, which in itself says quite a lot. Nana doesn't really share things openly with her unless pressed to do so though, which her mother is concerned about. 

❖ Morikawa Ryohei | 14 | Student| Younger brother| Alive | Playful, flirty, inquisitive, competitive, a bit arrogant and cocky but ultimately kindhearted | Best friends  Since they were young, Nana has been his confidant because of out of their family she offers the most constant presence in his life - their parents were tied down and busy with work. He likes to try and find ways to push her buttons by teasing her, even if it doesn't usually provoke a reaction. Lately he's been on a self-appointed mission to find her a boyfriend because he's curious as to what the hell Nana-in-love might be like. So far, it's been completely unsuccessful. 

Best friends: Morikawa Ryohei 


❖ Jung Eunji| 19 | University student/cafe barista | impatient, downright erted, loyal, gullible, talkative, upbeat, soft-hearted | In 11th grade, Nana was bribed into giving her kouhai/hoobae Eunji some much needed tutoring in music theory back at their international school in Tokyo. Eunji ended up doing Nana's maths homework for two months and spazzed out when she realized that Nana was perfectly capable of doing it on her own, but considered it a hassle to transfer her knowledge onto paper. Still, Eunji's one of the rare ones who can get past Nana's general apathy, and she definitely enjoys witnessing Nana occasionally throw around ual comments just to watch people squirm. She's since stubbornly attached herself to the older girl, rambling to her about anything and everything under the sun. Sometimes though, she wonders if their friendship is sustained only because Nana loves the coffee she makes.  


what my heart tells me to do

Love interestPark Chanyeol | -- | Chanyeol is a self-proclaimed happy virus, smiling and keeping up the morale whenever the going gets rough. He also loves to make friends left, right and centre with a seemingly boundless energy. Chanyeol finds it hard to leave people alone if they look down or lonely.  Many would find it surprising that he can actually become jealous easily, although he hardly ever acts on it. He's also incredibly stubborn and hardworking, and if it's something he's really invested in Chanyeol can find it in himself to ignore the haters and overcome whatever challenge set against him headon.  'Slow and steady wins the race' is something he believes in. He's also very appreciative of the little things in life, and tends to find the bright side of everything.

Back-up love interest:  Kim Jongin | Student | Jongin has something of a split personality. On one hand, when he performs he is overflowing with confidence, charisma and is downright y - he could charm the pants off anyone and no one would mind. People call this version of him Kai, and the flip-of-the-switch phenomenon was coined the Kai syndrome. On the other hand, most times he's just bashful, shy Kim Jongin, the type of person that Nana would get addicted to throwing ual comments at because of his easily flustered nature. Amongst his close friends he's more playful and skinshippy. He's also rubbish at talking to girls he thinks are cute. 

something for the queens?

Comments/suggestions/questions: Did I write too much OTL;;;; I hope she made some sort of sense at the very least, haha! G'luck, and have fun with the story :D 

Scene requests: Nope~ 



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