
Okay, this is the second time I'm posting up for my blog today. Keke~ I'm back!

I'm going through a dilemma right now. I've this story I'm currently writing and have been posting up here in aff titled, 'Who the hell is she?!' but another idea for another story came to my mind! No! Why are you doing this to me brain! No! Just give me ideas for the current story not a whole new idea for another story!

Oh and the lunch was awkward just now. The people around me who were previously emo are being kind of emo again. Another problem came up and they ate silently. I've gotta admit but I'm glaf that they kept quiet because when they're not moody, they are very loud when we're having lunch. So, at least they're quiet and I can prevent from dying from chocking on the fried chicken! I'm alive people!

I gues I had fun today. Not too ty and not too moody. Finally, a normal and peaceful day^^

Hmm... I wonder what's going to happen tomorrow:/ It was too peaceful today that it kind of made me scared and suspicious. Hehe... Maybe I'm being too paranoid. See, what life had made me into. I became an overly-conscious teenager whose life is full of worry. Aigoo~ It's okay. I'll try to live like a normal human being... Like my friend said, "Let's be fabulous no matter what comes to us!"

So, whoever that is reading this... If you have a ty day, just close your eyes and count to 10000000000000, I'm sure you'll fall asleep and the problem will be forgotten. or you'll have problem keeping track of the numbers><

Hihi... I'm rambling too much for today... Gotta go now... Need to feed my growling stomach. It demands so much from me! I


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I have nineteen stories, each with a different idea. So...your dilemma is cake foe me, lol. But once you give me your plots I'll help you out. Just PM me.