` s o u l b e a t ┍ choi hanseul ┙

✳ — choi hanseul 
✳ — the fact
username : opulence
activeness rate : 9
✳ — humanoids
birthname : choi hanseul 최한슬
birthdate : 3.16.1991
birthplace : ulsan, south korea
hometown : canberra, australia
nicknames : seul- just an abbreviation of her name.
                  choi yeosa- means 'miss choi'. It is based off a character from a gag corner she likes.
                  canberra's go ara- a nickname her friends and neighbors call her for her slight resemblence to actress go ara.
ethnicity : korean
bloodtype : a
languages : korean (fluent), english (fluent), chinese (conversational)
personality :  Hanseul is what you could say, "Don't judge a book by its cover." She's a girl of different charms and is very unpredictable. This twenty two year old has many surprises that she can showcase at any time. She has many various sides of her that makes her unique and stand out. Most of the time she is a moodmaker/peacekeeper that always tries to do her best in creating a lively atmosphere. Yet at other times, she can give the 'cold shoulder' once it comes to being in a serious situation. Overall, she is able to match up to her persona as a 'masked doll'. Hanseul's true personality is the cheery, independent adolescent that is shown to her family/friends and fans. She is very straightforward and honest and says everything she needs to say. If she doesn't agree on something, she'll speak her mind. Many could tell that she likes to be independent and stand up for what she believes in. She is free-willed and a bit careless at times, but when giving and listening to advice, she'll be the most attentative person you have ever seen. Hanseul loves helping others and she wants to inspire others to do the same. She is solemn when it comes to work/business, and is a very diligent, persistent girl that always does her best. Rather than expecting to receive good attention right after accomplishing a goal, she knows that once she does all her work and is truly satisfied, she will be rewarded with the praise from others as time passes. Hanseul is fun when it comes to playing and joking around. She has a humorous character that makes people just want to smile and laugh along with her. She can be described as the 'Happy Virus with many twists' in the group. Although she is a blissful girl, Hanseul still has a sensitive personality; being a bloodtype A, and cannot express her emotions as she wants others to see it as. Instead, she stacks all her troubles up, and doesn't really tell anyone about it since she doesn't want to burden others with her problems. This leads to a lot of stress, in which she usually tells to her cousin or brother. Hanseul is genuinely thoughtful and cares a lot about people around her, so she always tries to show her bright, jubilant side to everyone. That way, no one will know about the hidden grief behind that sweet smile of hers.
background : Hanseul was originally born in Ulsan, South Korea, but moved to Canberra, Australia with her family at the young age of 5. She therefore was able to grow up in a society where she was bilingual, knowing how to speak both English and Korean fluently. Her parents raised her and her younger brother in the traditional korean lifestyle, and to be very respectful and obedient. She experienced a lot from a young age, especially moving to another continent, but still maintained to live an average life. Her parents made sure that their children would not be treated differently because they weren't from the area, and put the two kids in many community programs and services in order for them to learn and get familiar with the Australian lifestyle. Growing up in a foreign land, she was able to make many friends of different races, but tried to maintain a close bond with her fellow koreans too.Since there were not many koreans in the area at that time, her and her brother grew up to be very close to each other, relying on one another for most things. After adapting to their new home, Hanseul discovered her passion and love for music. From time to time, she listened to American and Austrailian artists, but being of korean blood, she couldn;t keep herself away from kpop. Everything about it fascinated her, starting from the tune to the lyrics. She would listen to kpop the majority of the time, and build her dream of becoming a singer. She started off with joining small community choruses and school dance teams, and was able to receive a full time scholarship to a prestigious performing arts school in Sydney. Spending all her middle school years there, she finally found her voice and mastered it. When she was 16(korean age), she took the 2006 SM Auditions in Sydney, and passed. Her and her family had been planning to move back to Korea, so they went all together back to their home country. She started her official training in the SM building after a month and worked vigorously, until she finally got her chance to debut.
✳ —  beautiful
ulzzang : jungyeon
image : + + + + + + +
back-up ulzzang : kang sura
image : + + + + + + +
height : 169cm
weight : 52kg
additional : n/a
✳ — like this yo
favorite food : galbi, omelets, frozen yogurt,& pavlova(traditional meringue dessert she often ate in australia)
favorite drink : water&vitamin water
favorite color : black and grey
favorite number : 16
likes : 
+ combs
+ smart phones
+ scarves
+ new challenges 
+ rainy days
+ corny jokes
+ underground artists
+ hongdae streets at night
dislikes :
+ dark circles
+ pickles
+ excessive heat(summer)
+ broken promises
+ party poopers
+ people who make fun of her aussie accent.
habits :
+ sleeptalks...a lot
+ touches her hair when nervous
+ her aussie accent gets mixed with her korean when aggravated.
+ talks/mumbles to hersellf when stressed
hobbies : 
+ playing the cello
+ composing songs&freestyle dancing
+ cooking (especially australian food)
+ cleaning/tidying
+ updating her SMS accounts (ex;twitter,cyworld,me2day,etc.)
trivia : 
+ Hanseul is 'obsessed' with combs and always carries around at least 3 wherever she goes. Her whole collection consists of a total of 96 different combs.
+ Her friends and family joke around and call her a witch because she is a black&grey maniac.
+ She was involved in a well known children's choir and chorus back in Austrailia.
+ Hanseul is a good debater and her parents use to think she would become a great lawyer or politician.
+ Known as a 'game killer/queen of games'. She will most likely win any game she plays.
+ She calls her brother her 'other half' and will talk about him all the time. It shows her caring 'noona' side.
✳ — i love you
family : father | choi panseon | 47 | famous ceo/business man | very close 8/10
             mother | lee yookyung | 46 | interior designer | very close 8/10
             brother(CLICK) | choi hanjun | 19 | student&fitting model | extremely close 9.99/10
friend : ahn sohee | 21 | member of wonder girls | 8
            jung jinwoon | 22 | member of 2am | 8.5 
            choi minho | 22 | member of shinee | 8.5 
best friend : kwon bobae | 22 | Student at Sungkyun University | 9.5 | they are cousins.
                    kim myungsoo | 21 | member of infinite | 9.5 | through a mutual friend, predebut.
✳ — on rainy days
lover : nam woohyun | 2.8.1991
how did you meet : both are members of the famous '91-liners' group, which includes key and jinwoon.
how both of you act towards each other : they fool around a lot and also may sometimes use lots of skinship.
relationship : friend
back-up lover : kim jonghyun | 4.8.1990
how did you meet : trained together for a while before jonghyun debuted with shinee.
how both of you act towards each other : they act very playful and caring towards each other. They seem like a couple sometimes because of their skinship and how close they are.
relationship : sunbae/hoobae 
✳ — i am the best
stage name : hanseul 
persona : masked doll
position : main vocal/sub dancer
back-up position : lead vocal/main dancer
fanclub name : seulings (combination of hanseul's 'seul' and darling's 'ling'.)
trainee duration : 6 years
trainee history : participated as female side vocals/chorus for sm artists such as boa, csjh(the grace), snsd, and f(x).
how did you become a trainee : took part in the '06 sm town global auditions and was accepted.
✳ — 60 seconds
scene request : --
additional : if you want to use my back-up ulzzang instead of the first choice, please change her nickname from 'canberra go ara' to 'canberra's park hanbyul'.                
                  &if there's anything i made a mistake on, feel free to let me know. Thank you & good luck on your decision!
password : --



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