Aquarius (es?) FTW!

snipped from --ethereal :D

AQUARIUS - Does It In The Water
Trustworthy. Attractive. Great kisser. One of a kind, loves being in long-term relationships. Can be clumsy at times but tries hard. Will take on any project. Proud of themselves in whatever they do. Messy and unorganized. Procrastinators. Great lovers, when they're not sleeping. Extreme thinkers. Loves their pets usually more than their family. Can be VERY irritating to others when they try to explain or tell a story. Unpredictable. Will exceed your expectations. Not a Fighter but will Knock your lights out..  

I'm trustworthy, really. I can't lie, actually. And when I get this kind of amanah (I forgot what that was in English tsk tsk), I would take extra care of it. 

Attractive? Naaaah.

Great kisser? I've never kissed someone. And I won't.  

I AM EXTREMELY CLUMSY. Brawwahahahhaha but I still am clumsy. Like really really really clumsy. My closest friends had always describe me as the clumsiest of the group (We're a group of 7 :D), and I am clumsy at all times. I lose things easily, I accidentally drop things easily, I do everything wrong perfectly and most importantly, I ALWAYS trip over. Doesn't matter if it's when I'm sitting down, I would fall, if I'm standing up, I would walk and accidentally trip something.. That extreme level of clumsiness tsk tsk. Though, I would still try my very best --you could take archery as an example for me. Though I'm not THAT great of an archer, I still try my best, to focus and actually shoot the arrows into the target face.

Will take on any project. This is actually kinda truee. Cause, I'm the type of person who HATES to be left out on something, I'd like to know everything, actually. And if anyone ever offers me a job, it will be superbly extremely hard for me to decline it, since I really really want to do it. 

Oh yes. This is definitely true. Even when people say my works are blegh and even when I say it myself, I really actually don't really mean it. I'm proud of everything I do, including singing horribly. Even if I'm not the best, I am proud of whatever I do. 

Messy and unorganized. Truthfully, I dislike being organized lol. I'm just that type of person who loses stuff when everything's neat and tidy and finds stuff easily when everything is messy. I'm pretty messy, actually. I put my stuff everywhere and tend to lose a lot of valuable stuff. 

Procrastinators. Exactly ---is what happening to moi right now. I was watching tutorials on After Effects CS5.5, then paused for a while for it to buffer and then  am currently watching Harry Potter and suddenly am trolling on AFF XD

Great lovers? IDK. I've never been a 'lover' specifically lol. But I do love almost everything around me. Don't know if that counts though. 

Extreme thinkers. HONESTLY! I'm extremely paranoid. I would always think before doing something, and would always gaze and stand out in a crowd as someone who likes to stare at stuff and then suddenly laughs or frowns. I really like to think about something, and then explain it to myself, don't know how to explain this XD

Loves their pets.. I don't have a pet. 

I AM ALWAYS IRRITATING! Don't believe me? Ask my sisteurh KrystalHana on AFF :P

A bit unself-concious, but I am unpredictable. I would suddenly blab unusual stuff, sometimes very informative, sometimes very random, but people -usually my friends, would always accept it as some kind of genius idea. I do random stuff, which suddenly turns out to be the best. I like taking challenges, I don't like simple things. 

I WILL EXCEED YOUR EXPECTATIONS! One day.. when ever that happens. 

I am not really a fighter, but whenever kicking butts, I do my best. So bewareee! I took Taekwando classes and stopped to the blue belt, and almost skipped a belt, nothing amazing, but I do have basics and my mouth and hands are uncontrollable.. soooo. Don't get on my bad side, please? 


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--ethereal #1