☆ A.Starz 천사 별╰☆╮Application


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aboutMe ;-;

AFF Link : click!
AFF UserName : sakuramimi

theBestCharacter ;-;

Name : Lee Jaeyoon
Nickname : LJ
Age: 22
Persona | Position : The Independent Ice Princess | Leader & Main Vocalist.
Hometown: Busan, South Korea.
Nationality: Full Korean.
Date of Birth : May 24th 1990

                     Jaeyoon's personality is not what you would expect from first glance. The reason? She quite happily conceals the truth of her past under a façade that is the ice princess. Jaeyoon's outer 'shell' is a cold girl that will turn her shoulder to almost everybody - but that's only so she can try to forget about the past. Around only her closest friends will she ever be seen as anything less than the ice princess.

                     However, behind the façade she has, she's not as icy or cold as is shown upfront. When she's away from people, she'll stay by herself and dwell on the past. Often it brings tears, but having had experience and a lot of practice, she's extremely good at quickly stopping herself from tears and faking a different emotion to the one she was previously feeling if the previous one was negative. She's often bugged by the friends she has now about certain things, but she never speaks a word of her childhood - she turns them away coldly if ever they try to bring something up, and brings around her ice princess persona everyone sees from the outside. 

                     Jaeyoon is highly OCD. She doesn't express it in front of anyone, but for her, everything has to be in order or she will not be able to stand it. She also is a complete perfectionist, which posed problems in her past life. If something is not done to the utmost perfect standard, she will be annoyed with herself for failing. She will become angry and irritable if something is not, though not meaning to, and often can end up being unintentionally mean to people she wouldn't usually want to be mean to.

               She is quite insecure due to aspects of her childhood. The front she puts up against others is to prevent them from getting close enough to worry about her if they were ever to see her pained side. Most of her time is spent either with her good friends, or writing lyrics and practicing her vocals, and a little bit of dance. Despite her inner emotions, nothing stops her from singing and dancing with eveyrthing she has. Ever since she was a little girl, being an idol was the dream. She would see other famous idols on TV, and start dancing and singing along with them. And nothing has changed. She still likes to get up and dance along to whatever idol song is playing. It helps her feel better if she's been thinking too much.

              Jaeyoon is not exactly a people person, but even with her own issues, she's still occasionally willing to give help to her closest friends - and only her closest. She was labelled the Agony Aunt by her friends because they always came to her for advice, and her 'words of wisdom' as they put it were helpful in every situation. Despite her coldness and edginess, she still dislikes seeing her closest friends miserable, so she likes to help.

                Even though she often is a bit depressed, she still knows how to have fun, even without the façade. When her true self is having fun, it's only ever been with her two best friends, and they believe that's the only time it ever will, unless Jaeyoon found a boyfriend. She's able to have a laugh and a generally great time with her best friends, but it's only ever them, as they are the only two people in the world she trusts with her life. Often, their fun consists of hours of video games on the xbox or their laptops. Games like Call of Duty or World of Warcraft are her favourites. Even if she doesn't look the type, nor seem it from her real personality, she really loves her games. She doesn't like to let people know she's into games, a she fears it could ruin the ice princess image.

                Overall, Jaeyoon has two sides to her - the fake side, and the genuine side. She has her good times and her bad times, she's OCD, but despite all that, she still knows how to have fun with her friends. 

Language : Korean-fluent, English-fluent.
Dislikes :

  • Mushrooms [allergy]
  • Sad movies
  • Bad hair days.
  • People worrying.
  • Her friends being miserable.
  • Awkward people/conversations.

Likes :

  • Rain
  • Nature
  • Photography
  • Panic! at the Disco
  • Strawberries
  • Icing
  • Manga & animes.
  • Harry Potter
  • World of Warcraft
  • Call of Duty.
  • Slender. 

Trivia :

  • Has a tattoo of a flower on her ankle.
  • Afraid of thunder, but loves watching lightning.
  • Her favourite anime currently is Umineko no Naku Koro ni (When Seagulls Cry).
  • Often wears long sleeved shirts to hide her scars. [ see 'Anything else'. ]
  • Her favourite animal is a panda. 
  • She loves red hair.

Fear :  

  • Spiders.
  • Cockroaches.
  • Thunder.
  • Death.
  • Losing her friends. 
  • Squid.

appearance| Style ;-;

Ulzzang Name : Ahn Sukyung.
Ulzzang Appearance [ +5 Links ] : 
1 2 3 4 5

Backup Ulzzang Name : Park Sora

Backup Ulzzang Appearance : 1 2

Casual Appearance : 1 2 3
Practise Apearance | For Training : 1 2 
Formal Appearance  : 1 2
Sleep Appearance  : 1 2

familyBackground ;-;

Parents : 

Lee Jaehyun | [would be] 48 | Housewife | Dead.

Lee Hyunsoo | [would be] 50 | Businessman | Dead.
Siblings : None.

yourBackground ;-;

BestFriends/Friends : 

-Lizzy; Afterschool. 

-Lee Jonghyun; CNBlue 


Fan Club Name : White Lilies
Fan Club Colour : Cream&White
Fan Club Symbol : click!
Rival : Ailee [friendly].
Reason for Rival : The two are rivals in vocal ability.

love ;-;

Love interest : Lee Donghae | 26 | Super Junior
Personality of Love Interest : 

Donghae is an incredibly sweet guy. Jaeyoon think's he's perfetction in a human body. He's always around to spend time with Jaeyoon, and is always willing to comfort her, or help her, or anything of the sort! He can be a little awkward sometimes, but it's nothing major, and if anything makes him quite adorable. He's good at keeping to schedules, and making plans that fit in with everybody else's, which is perfect for when he needs/wants to see Jaeyoon, or vice versa. He's a great conversationalist, and a good listener. He, like Jaeyoon, can give quite good advice. 

Back-Up Love interest [Name|Age|Group] : Jung Yonghwa | 23 | CN Blue

Personality of Back-up love interest : [ same as Donghae x3 ]

Favourite kind of Date | Ideal Date : A picnic on the beach until late into the night so they can stargaze together in one anothers arms c:

Ideal Boyfriend : A sweet, charming, caring guy who's a very good listener, and whom will comfort her and will be willing to break through the ice princess shield. 
Love Rival : None.

Status of Relationship : The two are pretty close friends at the moment. Jaeyoon is liking Donghae, but she's unsure of whether or not he could actually like her.


anythingElse? ;-;

Password : imthemostawesome
Anything you want to say to me / Things i have to take note of : Okay so, in my Trivia section, I put that she wears long sleeved clothing to 'hide her scars' - Imma give you her background to show you why if you don't mind~ :3 [ hope it's not too long for you >< ] 

               Jaeyoon was born on May 24th 1990 in Sweden. Her parents were living there at the time, and had not expected to have a child. Nevertheless, Jaeyoon was loved. Her mother treasured her, and her father adored her. The happy family moved back to Busan, Jaeyoon's parents' hometown, when Jaeyoon was just one year old. There, she grew well with her mother and father's guidance, and the loving care of other family members, like her grandparents, and her aunts and uncles. 

              The problems began shortly after her 7th birthday. Not long after the celebration of that day, Jaeyoon's mother fell severely ill. Complaining of head pains, and other nasty symptoms, Jaeyoon's father took her to the hospital to be examined. There, she was diagnosed - she had a cancerous tumor pressing against her skull. And there was nothing the doctors could do. The tumor had grown too big to be removed without permanent brain damage, and possible death. They told her she had a few months left to live. Jaeyoon did not hear of this. She continued life as per usual. Her mother continued to be sick, whilst her father kept on telling her that it would go away soon. But as time passed, and months had gone by without any sign of recovery from her mother, Jaeyoon grew suspicious. Even at the age of 7, she could fully comprehend that her mother was not going to get better.

            Jaeyoon's mother always called her by the nickname of LJ - combining the first letter of her last name, L and the first letter of her first name, J. Jaeyoon loved hearing her mother say it, and soon her father started too. However, when the name was called in such a hoarse and sick voice one day, it wasn't such a pleasure anymore. Jaeyoon had been left alone with her mother one Saturday afternoon whilst her father had gone out to do some shopping. Her mother had called her into the room. Jaeyoon prayed for it not to be what she thought it was. But by the paleness of her mother's face, and the weakness of her limbs as she raised a hand in Jaeyoon's direction once she'd entered the room, she knew. It was time. Silently, she walked over to the bedside, and took her mother's shaking hand in her own quivering one. She was smiling, she same beautiful smile Jaeyoon had always remembered, but without the brightness it used to give. She squeezed Jaeyoon's hand, and whispered her final words into her ear - "I love you Jaeyoon. I know you'll make me proud." With that, she was gone. Jaeyoon fell to the ground in tears as her father walked in. Noticing what had just happened within an instant, he cradled Jaeyoon softly in his arms. This was Jaeyoon's first traumatic experience.

            A few years later, Jaeyoon was now 13 years of age. Her father had been coping a lot worse than she could ever have imagined. He was constantly short on money, and loaning from the loan sharks, who were at the house more than not nowadays. Jaeyoon lived on as a seemingly emotionless child now, almost doll-like. She missed her mother's presence in the house. At school, she was bullied by other girls. They about wearing glasses, and having no mother. Quite a difference in the topic. It was then that she started cutting herself. It started as only a little, but as the bullies continued, so did the cutting. Her father never knew. And never found out, as one day, after a particularly vicious day of bullying at school, Jaeyoon came home to find him hanging from the ceiling. Traumatic experience #2.

           Jaeyoon lived with her grandparents until she entered high school - Seoul Performing Arts High School. The bullies were there too, but so were her two newfound best friends. The bullies wouldn't stop teasing her about having no parents now. They had dropped the glasses lark as soon as Jaeyoon got contact lenses. Jaeyoon's cutting became worse. Her arms were covered in scars, and the pain was almost unbearable, but in a way, it felt better. The cutting slowed to a halt as she continued through high school. Bullies were dealt with, her best friends were there to coax her out of it. She finally felt happier than usual. With her best friends Lizzy and Jonghyun, she was ready to take on the world, and become the idol of her dreams. She would make her mother proud. 



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