Boredom does this to you. [80 Questions - Stolen from PopCutie]


Basic -
1. Name?: Aya [not my real name but it's pretty close.]
2. Birthdate?: July 11 1997
3. Current Location: My bed, Ireland.
4. Eye Color: Dark Brown
5. Hair Color: Black
6. Height: I dunno.
7. Zodiac Sign: Cancer
8. Ethnicity: 100% Filipina~
9. Single or Taken?: Single but my heart's taken. [gawrsh. i'm awfully cheesy xD]
Have You ever.. -
10. Drank?: A sip of my grandad's scotch [i think it was scotch, it definitely wasn't beer anyways.] when I was 4 years old.
11. Smoked?: No and I never will.
12. Skinny Dipped?: Nope
13. a 9 volt battery?: Oh sure, because everyone does that. [please apply sarcasm when reading.]
14. Made a prank phone call?: No but I've contributed to it before xD
15. Been in a beauty pageant?: No.
16. Thrown up in public?: Luckily I haven't, yet.
17. Worn a crown?: Yeah.
18. the back of a CD to try to get it to work?: See question 13.
19. Been on a blind date?: Nope
20. Caught a fish?: I don't think so xD
21. Been in love?: I think I can say yes to this. xD
22. Thought your cousin was hot?: Eh. NO. The fuq.
23. Slept past noon?: Yeah.
24. Taken a shower with the opposite ?: Probably with my cousin when I was younger. /shrugs
25. Danced in front of your mirror?: This is my life. xD
26. Been dumped?: Yeah.
27. Been arrested?: No.
28. Made out with a stranger?: Che, I haven't even had my first kiss xD
29. Seen someone die?: No.
30. Kissed a picture?: I think so. xD
31. Slept in the opposite 's bed?: Yeah, a bunch of times xD
32. Made a snow angel?: Forced to do so. ><
33. Cheated while playing a game?: LOLOLOLOLOL. Of course.
34. Felt an earthquake?: No, I'm in Ireland. You can only feel earthquakes in Donegal here or something.
35. Touched a snake?: Yeah, it's that yellow one. I put it around my neck, it was heavy. -.- [it's called a yellow boa, i looked it up and all xD]
36. Sang karaoke?: Also my life. xD
37. Done something you told yourself you wouldn't do?: Probably.
38. Caught a snowflake on your tongue?: No, I shall try that when it snows again xD
39. Kissed in the rain?: Is this possible?
40. Sung in the shower?: Yesss.
41. Sat on a roof top?: Does the roof of an apartment complex count? But yes I have.
42. Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?: Noo.
43. Broken a bone?: Nope
44. Laughed so hard you cried?: YESSH
45. out from drinking?: I don't drink.
46. Choked on something you're not supposed to eat?: Yes? Most likely anyways
This or that -
47. Blind or deaf?: This is tough. I love music but I wanna see pretty people. I think Deaf though.
48. Horror or comedy?: Comedy
49. Bungee jumping or sky diving?: BOTH!
50. Sunny or rainy?: Sunny
51. Chocolate or Vanilla?: CHOCOLATE <3
52. Night or day?: Day.
53. Looks or personality?:  I'm attracted by looks but I'll stay for personality.
54. Coffee or tea?: Tea~ <3
55. Hot or cold?: Cold. I hate insects. Warmth = Insects = Uncomfortable me.
Do You.. -
56. Smoke?: No.
57. Drink?: No
58. Do drugs?: Prescribed ones. 
59. Fall in love easily?: No.
60. Like thunderstorms?: They aren't bad. So yea.
61. Dance in the rain?: Nope
62. Wish on stars?: Rarely
63. Believe in fate?: Sorta?
64. Believe in love at first sight?: Maybe?
65. Have tattoos?: No
Can you.. -
66. Cook?: No.
67. Whistle?: Yup
68. Curl your tongue?: Yeah,to the side and all ^o^
69. Touch your nose with your tongue?: No
70. Speak another language?: Yeea
And more -
71. Favourite word?: Dumbfounded.
72. Favourite flower?: Lilies [the white ones] and cat tails [yeah, it's not really a flower]
73. Favourite colour?: Purple
74. What color is your underwear right now?: Peach
75. Would you ever get plastic surgery?: NEVER
76. What is your favorite Holiday?: Every single one. Summer of course though, it's the longest.
77. What is your worst habit?: I have a lot. >.< But I guess it's eating too much.
Opposite -
78. Hair colour?: Any
79. Eye colour?: Any [I love love love blue eyes though but any really]
80. First thing you notice about them?: Their sense of style.


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aww this looks fun :D