❧ Merveille Academy ❧ School of Wonders ❧ Zhang Hyun Ri


❧ Merveille Academy ❧ School of Wonders 




❧ Creator... only you take... brokeness.... ❧

Username:  caramelsweet

Profil Link: weeeee~

What should I call you?:  Cara

How active are you?: 8.5 


 and create it... into beauty.. once again... 

Character Name: Zhang Yun Ri

Nicknames: RiRi - Her family and close friends. She doesn't know why, her mother suddenly started calling her RiRi and her family and close friend followed.

Species: Nymph

real Age: 1797

Appearance Age: 17

Birthday : October 01

Ethinicy / Nationality : Half Korean, Half chinese

Languages: Korean, Chinese and English

Personality : Yun Ri is a dreamer, she fantasize about fairytale plots. She loves fairytales, the prince charming riding on a white horse, sweeping the princess of her feet and then they live together in a castle, happily ever after. BUT she doesn't really dream about the prince charming, she prefers the knight in shining armour because he saves the princess from those evil witches/people/villains. She wishes she would find her knight in shining armour instead of her prince charming cause in her mind, the knight in shining armour is a prince in disguise and she's the princess. She has a mind of a 5 year old girl, people say she's childish, that she should wake up from thinking about all this fairytales cause it won't happen but her being her, she doesn't give a sh1t about what people think about her. If people teases or make comments about her, she would just walk away cause she has a mindset that says 'poeple like that has nothing better to do and it would just be a waste of time to entertain them'.


She loves dancing and singing. She would find herself dancing when she hears music, and singing when she wants to calm her mind. She knows how to play the piano and guitar, and she would play them when she sings. She is very competitive when it comes to dancing, she doesn't like losing when it comes to dancing. She hates losing.  She is very daring, a daredevil. She is not scared to try new risky things, for example, bungee jump or rollercoasters, even though she heard some news about the rubber of the bungee jump almost killing somebody cause it somehow wraps itself around a person's neck and rollercoaster getting out of control or something, she takes the risk to try it. To her, if she doesn't take the risk, then she won't live her life to the fullest. She dares to be different, to be unique, cause she thinks being similar to people is so mainstream, nothing fun about it. She laughs at a lot of things, even though its not funny, she laughs like there is a no tomorrow. She doesn't know how to scan the atmosphere, like whether its a serious or tense atmosphere. Like if someone is angry or scolding , the atmosphere would be tense and serious, she would burst out laughing. She doesn't know why but when the teacher is scolding the class, she would feel like laughing but she holds it in which always fails.


She is very sarcastic. She can never not be sarcastic for a day. When people states or ask the obvious, she would throw sarcastic and witty replies at them. If someone ask her 'Are you even a girl?' she would be replying them with 'No i'm not. I'm a guy with s and no . What can i be? Oh i know, an alien' while giving them the '-.-' face. She is rarely angry thanks to her easygoing attitude but when she becomes angry, its the start of world war 3. She can't calm down easily when she's angry. She is very stubborn, if she says no, it means no, or if she decides on something, she would stick to her decision even when people tells her to think twice. She's the kind to act before thinking. She can't control her strength, like when she's with her her friend, she wants to playfully slap her friends back but ends up hitting him/her hard without realising and ends up saying sorry several times. She tends to make more male friends than guy friends cause she thinks that male friends are more fun and easier to get along than females.




Coton Candy



ice cream



Taking pictures


People playing with her hair


Being alone in the dark


Spicy food

Being ordered around


All insects except butterflys.

Dolls that resembles a human baby


Clapping her hands while laughing

Pinching and squishing her cheeks when she's bored

Spouting out gibberish stuffs when she's scared.

Curses/swears when she's shocked.

Hugging someone when she's sleeping without realising.




Composing songs

Cooking and Baking. (she's a great cook and baker)


Seeing her own blood. When she see's it, she would end up crying and fainting


Small and closed places. She's claustrophobic


Has a thing for guys who has muscular but not bulky arms

Very flexible. A contortionist ( can twist her body into shapes and postions which most people can't do. Like victoria from f(x))

Very deep sleeper, can't wake up early

HUGE fan of TVXQ

Won 1st place in a singing competition.

She has never been in love.


❧ Fairytales 

Ulzzang name: Kim Seuk Hye 

Ulzzang Pictures:  one  l  two  l  three  l  four  l  five  l  six  l  seven  l  eight

Back-Up Ulzzang: Park Sora

Ulzzang Pictures:  one  l  two  l  three  l  four  l  five

Wings? : --

Extras: She has a small unicorn shape birthmark at the side of her left thigh


❧ Once upon a Dream ❧

Family History: She is the youngest in the family, she has a big brother. She was born with a silver spoon in , born into a rich family. Since young, she had been obsessed with fairytales stories/shows, her brother had about this and told her to stop believing in it, but she threw a tantrum at her brother and told him to mind his own business. At the age of 6, she was always bullied for being childish and weird, several times she had gone home with bruises and in a crying mess. She doesn't have any friends. She would always go to the forest nearby with her guitar to calm her mind down while singing. She always felt comfortable when she's in the presence of nature. After years and years of bullying, she became immune to it.


When she was 9, her parents had brought her and her brother to a dance performance. Her brother and her became fond of dancing and told their parents to sign them up for dance classes. Since then, she had made friend, more male friends than female friends. Her brother and her were called the 'dancing siblings', they had performed in numerous concerts together or at clubs. They were asked to perform as the back dancers of some idol groups. So basically, she had a happy family.


Park Jae Do  l  58  l  Alive  l  Caring, over protective, hot-tempered, gullible  l  Father  l  Earth elemental

Ryu Dae Ah  l  55  l  Alive  l  Carefree, understanding, loving,  funny  l  Mother  l  Nymph

Siblings : 

Park Jaebum/ Jay Park  l  24  l  Idol  l  Alive  l  Joker, Over Protective, Creative, Strong-willed, Caring  l  Brother  l  Earth Elemental

Best Friend :

Eunhyuk(Super Junior)  l  20  l  Idol  l  Alive  l  Prankster, Funny, serious when it comes to dancing,  cheerful, understanding  l  They met when Hyun Ri and her brother signed up for the dance class. They were in the same dance class and ended up being partners for this one project. Since then, they became inseperable.  l  Air Elemental

Friend : 

CL(2ne1)  l  18  l  idol  l  alive  l  Sarcastic, blunt, has an i-don't-give-a-damn attitude, understanding  l  Friends  l  Fairy

Chanyeol(exo)  l  21  l  idol  l  alive  l  Friendly, funny, caring, cheerful  l Friends  l  Fire elemental


Hyoyeon (SNSD)  l  17  l  Idol  l  She is very competitive when it comes to dancing, but she's quite friendly and talkative.  l  They are rivals in term of dancing. They have always been competitive of each other, wanting to be the best among each other.  l  They don't really hate each other , they are just rivals when it comes to dancing. They act as if they don't know each other, like strangers, sometimes they would just smile at each other in acknowledgement.  l  Elf


❧  Porcelain Heart ❧ 

Love Interest

Luhan  l  18 (i don't mind if you change it, if the other applicants has Luhan as their brothers or friends or best friend, use the age they put :))  l  Nymph  l  EXO <3

Personality : He is very cheerful. He is very adorable. His humor is quite sweet and cheesy, in a way. He's protective toward someone he loves. Luhan never fails to put a smile on someone's face. He loves skinship. He's a skinship monster. He loves dancing and singing. He hates it when people call him pretty since he's pretty, too pretty for a boy. He is very hyperactive. When he laughs, he laughs hard, laughing like there's no tomorrow. If someone needs a friend to talk to, he would be there. He's understanding and caring. When he's angry, he tends to become cold and distant. 

How did/will you meet?:  He heard an angelic voice singing, accompanied by a piano. He somehow found himself going to the direction of the voice and found her singing. Her voice and beauty captivated him. He suddenly dropped his pen which made a loud sound since they were in an empty theatre , Hyun Ri was surprised and quickly went out of the theatre, not knowing Luhan was spying on her. The next day, she was in the dance studio dancing when Luhan appeared out of nowhere, scaring the out of her and made her curse at him accidentally. Since then, he had followed her wherever she went.

How do you act around eachother?: They love to tease each other. Luhan often about her childish mind and Hyun Ri would about his looks. He calls her Hyunnie while she calls him Hannie. They're quite close. He is protective over her. They would always dance and sing together, people would always tease them by saying that they're a matchmake in heaven because of their looks.

Back up love interest : ( just in case, only chose from list provided. Name | Age | What Species | What group is he from )

Lay  l  18  l  Water Elemental  l  EXO

Personality : same. Except the pretty part. He is forgetful.

How did/will you meet?:  Same. 

How do you act around eachother?: Same (except the pretty part, instead of pretty, she would about his forgetfulness)


❧ The End 

Scene request: A scene where she and he are in the forest, sitting together under a shady tree, stargazing and then he plays a slow song and ask her for a dance. they slow dance under the stars.

Comment? Suggestions? Anything?: If i need to change anything, tell me :D

Password: ZOOOOM~ (she has never been in love, so when she's falls in love, this is what she feels >_< And somehow it relates to her fairytale thingy thing in someway, like she wanting it to happen)



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