221 suscribers?


I checked my suscribers list.. AND THERE WERE 221 OF THEM. 

Though, I don't know if I should be happy or not.. Considering, most of my stories are un-updated (lol actually none of them are),  AND I even have a poster and a trailer shop, so that totally shouldn't be counted, since they suscribed for the requests, instead of reading.. 

I deleted GDA (Golden Disk Awards) since I was too lazy to write it, and since Amber's back and all, so I deleted it. Sorry to some of you who were actually looking forward to reading it. I also deleted Epic Drama.. Mostly cause I forgot about the main story and all, AND I AM REALLY SORRRY TO THOSE who applied. 

To my new friends and suscribers who likesss Shiny Effects JUST as much as I do, and are longing for my updatess; I'm telling you something. 

This lazy- kid is finally going to update. FINALLY. FINAAAAALLLYYYYYYYEHHHH 


○ A Minstal Chapter in The We Got Married Special aka Chapter 7 

○ A Taelli Chapter in The We Got Married Special  aka Chapter 8 

○ The last Chapter in Super SHINee aka Chapter 5

○ The third Chapter in 900 Days Of Kisses 

○ The ninth Chapter in One Of A Kind Love 

I'm not sure how the order will go, but it depends on my mood. MY FREAKING MOOOOOOOD. 

Oh, and have I introduced you to Shining f(blaq)? It's All About Variety. 


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-xMomo #1
Yay!!! ^^
KrystalHana #2
FInally!! Hey sis! How long have you been on a hiatus? And why f(blaq) why not f(shinee)? <br />
Eh, doesn't matter as long as it's not f(2pm) of f(infinite)....<br />
I'm going to say something I'll never say to you in person cuz i have a really high ego..<br />
Good luck sis!! I wish you the best! Don't worry I'll support you in ways you won't understand cuz i'm weird like that..<br />
We're like the jung sisters of AFF right? hahahaha....
why89loveshinee #3
cool ^^ I know u'll come back someday ^^