Know Any Good Screamo Anyone? ;A;

K, yea .__. so I'm alive. Sadly <.< I mean/cough


Anyways, let me just state I have nooooooo idea about what is going on in the lives of all the people on my friends list because I just don't read blogs no more, nor do I read stories or inbox anyone so I'm like...... an outcast ;~;


You guys probably don't remember me... nor care for that matter e.e it's all good yo. Imma just ... live on lonely.



Anyways, enough about my pathetic life. I have no friends people! None T^T Online don't count when you need someone to hang out with ><;  As you may notice, this blog is talking about screamo music. So if you're not into that stuff... you can click out of here if you want. But you can stay and read my awkwardness ;n;

Some of you might know that I'm kind of into some screamo stuff.

My emo times stuck with me.

And as I've said in the past, a lot of scream songs are about like zombies, vampires, murdering your lover, cutting yourself and trying to kill yourself e.e

Le example...

^ I mean I actually do like Greeley Estates sound... but they have.... 'unique' concepts.

But my point is... it's kinda hard to find good screamo that isn't about that stuff.

I haven't found many songs, especially artists who will have songs that are deep and meaningful. But I have found like 2 groups? xD Which are Escape The Fate and Bring Me The Horizon. Escape The Fate isn't AS hardore. It's like... a bit more.... metal with some screamo thrown in. And honestly I'm not good with genres so maybe those of you who know the group would disagree xD And then BMTH is more screamo.

I really like BMTH. I fell in love with them because of their song 'Suicide Season'. And the title may be intimidating but it's such a beautiful song. I love it. And they have other songs just as meaningful.

And ETF's song 'It's Just Me' is my life song ;u; And they have a song called 'Ashley' :D How awesome is that? It's like Craig is singing to me :'D And if you don't like screamo, they have a song called 'Harder Than You Know' which is soft :)


But I guess I must be boring you all with my bad blog structure and random life story? e.o But I'm wondering if anyone knows some screamo/hard-core/metal/hard rock groups that have meaningful songs? Because I'd love to get back into screamo again but it be nice to know some recommendations :D Help please? <3


Anyone remember that I was doing this thing where I add cute KPop GIF's to the end of my blogs? No... well here it goes.


And a funny one :3










If only this could show up at my front door............


Oh the dreams...


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blackcher #1
Ever heard of Otep? You might like them, they're a really heavy screamo band.
(...don't know how to reply to your reply... so I'll write this here!)
Hehe, I love them too much :3 I will hopefully get even more pictures with them this time! Also, the singer (Steven) and bassist (Alan) follow me on Tumblr... Awkward~ >.<

Can you really not guess?!'s the guy in the FB picture! :P

Not screamo... but they are wonderful, and you should know that from me by now! Watch and listen to their stuff! Seeing them again (third time) in Februray :3

P.S... come back on Facebook! And~ You'll never guess who is in England at the moment!