[ x ] I like at least one shade of pink. 

[  ] I don't like being messy.

[  ] My belongings are organized.

[  ] I don't like rock music.

[  ] I like wearing accessories.

[  ] I hate black.

[  ] I go to the salon once a week.

[  ] I comb my hair almost all the time. 

[ x ] I bring my phone with me everywhere.

Total: 2


[ x ] I like wearing baggy pants.

[ x ] I play video games. 

[  ] I like Akon. 

[ x ] I like wearing jackets with hoods. 

[ x ] I don't like shopping unless it's for me.

[ x ] I'm too lazy to do chores. 

[ x ] I would go bungee jumping. 

[  ] I like sweating.  (That means it would be too hot and heats yucky)

[  ] I'm a fan of Marvel heroes. 

[  ] I always wear perfume/cologne. 

Total: 6


[  ] I always carry a pen/pencil in my purse/bag. (Me? Carrying a bag? Being prepared? PWAHAHAHA)

[  ] I enjoy studying. 

[ x ] I wear glasses.

[  ] I'm a straight A student.

[  ] I've never skipped class in my whole life.

[  ] I like my shirt tucked in 

[ x ] One of my favorite subjects is science. (It would be.)

[  ] I like reading mystery books. (Reading gives you eye cancer.)

[  ] My assignments are passed up on time. 

Total: 2


[  ] I am crazy about the color, black. (IT'S A SHADEEEEE)

[ x ] I sit at a corner.

[  ] One side of my hair is covering one of my eyes. (I have glasses to stop it from doing that for your information.)

[ x ] I like heavy metal rock music. 

[  ] I have a lot of problems in my life.

[ x ] I don't talk much.

[ x ] I don't have that many friends.  (EW PEOPLE.)

[  ] I barely have fun. (People who barely have fun just don't allow themselves to.)

[ x ] I barely go out with my folks or friends. (EW OUT)

Total: 5


[  ] I like to stare at the ceiling for 10 minutes.  (Walls are better)

[ x ] I sleep with a toy animal/pillow.

[ x ] I watch cartoons. (SPONGEBOB.)

[ x ] I love to invent words only I understand.  (I did that once. Fatbo understood...)

[  ] I sleep with a night light. (THE LIGHT. IT BURRRRNS)

[  ] My parents are the ones that choose my outfit.

[  ] I'm scared of roller coasters.

[  ] I like being with my relatives.

[  ] I like bubble baths.

[ x ] I like Spongebob. (Okay I'm not kidding I didn't read this question before this is weird I'm being possessed)

Total: 6


boyish and childish.

Sounds like me.



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immaninja13 #1
I don't remember the last one either. . . O.0