Key Needs Hugs, Lots Of Hugs

This makes me sad and furious at the same time.


In a video for ELLE, SHINee was asked what they would want to be if they were born again.  All of the members said themselves, but Key said a fair lady.
His reasoning was that "beauty is opposite of my current image & it would be fascinating to be beautiful for once."
Key may not be my bias out of SHINee, but he is one ing beautiful man. Honestly, he is probably one of the most attractive people in the world (in my opinion). He should never be called ugly, because he's seriously gorgeous. I want to hug him right now and tell him how beautiful he is, because he deserves to be told so. He has had self-esteem issues in the past, but honestly, he shouldn't. Some people can't help it, I just wish we could make him see that he's perfect the way he is.
I want to shove a mirror in his face, and tell him to tell me what flaws he sees, because his face is just adorable from every angle.
And to all you haters, don't hate because he's prettier than you. You'll get over it one day.


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Key thinks he's ugly?! What kind of nonsense is this? ... he's even prettier than me! I know what it feels like to have low self-esteem. I think SHINee needs more love NOW!
O Waw that's Soooooooooooooooooo not true he is ____n adorable like reely how dare he say that about himself Ima mad at him but man Dats messed Upp