Universal Studios Singapore is not as fun as i expected it to be.

well, firstly, just to say i was tricked by my school teacher and my aunt's bribe.


my aunt gave me 2 free USS tickets. so me and my brother going in place of my cousins.

my teacher went with the school cohort. some free time the school gave to the teaching staffs as a token of appreciation for their job welldone that year.

as for me???

i was totally fooled by my teacher saying that it was much more fun than the last time i went, which is after the youth olympic games.

so yes, i went USS twice, for free.

it's nothing to be jealous about.

if anyone were to gimme another free ticket to go, i'll reject it or sell it online for half price.

even if you pay me SGD $50, i won't go either.

{but if the price is above $100, that's a different story}

so, it IS worth the price and all, the games are fun too...


there's just this one little thing.

i hate walking. or even moving. i walk fast. yes. just so i can rest quickly again. get me???


but today is worst than that.

firstly, at 2:34pm, the locker i registered can't be open.

so we register by putting in our b'dae, and fav color.

but why it couldn't be open in the first place???

here, let me list it all out{plus all the other troubles i faced today}.

1) i type in my birthday wrongly, twice. so th comfirmation was like, comfirmed, but since i typed too fast, the birthdate was all wrong.

so from 11/08/96 it becomes 11/09/06

funny right??

2) i actually forgot which section of the lockers{there's like section 1 to 14, and 15 lockers in each section}

so it end up being soooo confusing that the locker crew there{yes there's such roles in USS had to call security over and open every lockers in front of me}

just so i can find my stuff.

and it took ing 1 hour.

3) when the locker is opened, realised my whole cola was spilled all over my brother's and my stuff. wonderful.

so our spare clothes were wet not because of water rides but because of spilled cola.

4) my slippers broke.

5) i still have my sneakers, but it was so weird to change them on the train.

i was going home on the mass rapid transit and i changed my shoe like it was my home

shameless i know.

6) i was freaking annoyed with my bro's irritation. irritation as in he's irritated.

and it annoys me. so i'm like agitated+annoyed+irritated by him being irritated and jumoy. get me?

7) i felt like i wasted the whole day only on 3 rides. yes. a ing 3. why?

my bro convinced me to go to the more exhilarating ones. yupp.

and the other rides seems so kiddish after that. shouldn't have listenned to him.

8) i was running after that damn bro of mine. good for nothing b*stard. why?

he called me an old granny for running so damn slow when queueing for rides and all...


EMPTY! ! ! ! ! ! !

the queue was freaking short. express ticket is a ... idk, just plain daylight robbery.

9) wasted 8 dollars for lockers. WTF

10) the food is freaking ex. 3 pieces of regular fried chicken wings costs 6 ing sing dollars.

{do your math}

so yupp.

my world is currently still wobbly from dunno how many times of 360 turns and all on the cylon and human coaster.

feels like i haven't touched land yet. sigh...


oh well~

but to all non-singaporeans, it's really a different experience

{that is if you don't have any Universal Studio in your country. oh, and Disneyland is for kids below 10}



{i bet 200 dollars that there won't be a single comment. if there is, it's most probably because of the presence of this bet. LOLs}


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chingou #1
*and then a y korean guy bumps into you and then you fall in love and then you pive happily ever after*