How do you tell when you like someone?

Im pretty young, but I (think I) fell in love XD Must be silly huh? I must sound like a silly goose! >.<

But anyways, everyone tells me that if you like someone you get butterflies, but I get butterflies with EVERY guy. Im not good with guys >.< I act as if, they are some random creature!! 

And I NEVER make eye contact with someone because (I dont know whyyy!) I think, its cause, they might think I like them when I dont! :/

But anyways, I really do want to like some XD It might sound silly, but I don't know why, Maybe ... I like the rush of it???

Hee hee but yeah!


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LOL! That happens to me too! But when you love someone, you think about what they say or did to you. Like you replay those moments over. And you get touchy when they touch you abit.