[ 1 ] What is your username? neomanuisarang. haven't changed it since i came here ^_^


[ 2 ] Do you read or write fanfics? both
[ 3 ] When did you first start reading/writing fanfics? honestly, i can't remember, but it must have been around last year...
[ 4 ] What was your first fandom? Shawol
[ 5 ] First ship? JongKey (haha)
[ 6 ] What website(s) do you use the most? AFF, Twitter, FB ---> those are the 3 main tabs open whenever i use the comp xD
[ 7 ] What do you think of AFF? it's a whole new world, sort of like my own rabbit hole ^_^
[ 8 ] What groups have you written? SJ, Shinee, EXO, Infinite, Boyfriend, B1A4... i think that's about it...
[ 9 ] Pairings? mostly OCs... i'm not a big fan of idol (girlxboy) pairings, mian~
[ 10 ] Any groups you would like to write? i'm kinda busy... so... maybe BAP, in the future ^_^ i'm starting to like them, haha!
[ 11 ] Do reviews affect how you write a story? i haven't tried one, tho...
[ 12 ] Do you use a beta? what is a 'beta'? i've heard of it, but i haven't really, what, asked for one?
[ 13 ] What ratings do you read/write? almost anything... haha *naughty girl* xD
[ 14 ] What warnings have you used on your fanfic(s)? none, except that it might be too short for some...
[ 15 ] Do you have any squicks? wazz dat? xD
[ 16 ] Do you roleplay online? no...
[ 17 ] Have you ever stolen something from another person's work? no. it's very rude, and i wouldn't want someone to do it to me
[ 18 ] Favorite fandom to write/read? EXOtic, Inspirit... i don't read much these days. i write most of the time... =.=
[ 19 ] Favorite pairing? Krispy Lays, HunHan, SuD.O., KaiD.O., MyungYeol, WooGyu, & YaDong
[ 20 ] Favorite writer(s)? ErisChaotica, dbskgirl4ever, annyeoooong, tahaminey, kyuhyunwifey (my top 5... i like a lot of writers, tho...)
[ 21 ] How long should a chapter be? i usually make mine around 3-5 pages long... but i try not to make each chap dragging
[ 22 ] Do you read/write drabbles? not so much, tho i've posted a collection, but after that, my drabble stay in my mind (too busy to write them)
[ 23 ] Any groups you avoid? Kpop is taken as a whole, but i prefer younger/newer groups... mianhae~
[ 24 ] Pairings you avoid? idol pairings (girlxboy)... i prefer OCs, or boyxboy haha xD
[ 25 ] Warnings you avoid? none... i still read their warnings... they took effort in writing them (joke xD) i never steal any work, anyway.
[ 26 ] Do the number of reviews tell how good a fanfic is? i guess so, since it involves a lot of people, and most of themmight have different tastes.
[ 27 ] What do you think of Mary Sue? er... it's a bit too fantastical to create that type of character, but it depends on the genre (ex. AU)
[ 28 ] Have you ever flamed someone? what's 'flamed'? lol sorry, so ignorant... =.=
[ 29 ] Have you ever been flamed? er... yeah (refer to previous question)
[ 30 ] How many fanfics have you written? err... 23
[ 31 ] What genres do you write or read? i like tragedy and supernatural stuff... but romance once in a while is not bad (just not fluff =.=)
[ 32 ] What story of yours has the most comments and how many? 'The Supernatural' [27 comments]
[ 33 ] Most words? 'I Have Twice a Problem'... since it's the longest
[ 34 ] Which one do you like the best? 'Fallen'... i'm really trying to imprive my skill with this fic
[ 35 ] Which one do you like the least? uhh... none? it would be weird if i wrote something i didn't like, right? =.=
[ 36 ] What do you think of hetero fanfics? wazz dat?
[ 37 ] Slash/? err... no. i tend to stay away from those kind of fics... sorry.
[ 38 ] Favorite hetero pairing? what is hetero???
[ 39 ] Favorite slash pairing? err... (refer to #37)
[ 40 ] What are your favorite genres? AU, supernatural, tragedy (my top 3)
[ 41 ] Will you read someone's fanfics if they asked you to? depends on my laziness, or if i find the fic personally interesting ^_^
i got this from HannaJoo_ ^_^


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I'll answer this when i open my laptop kkkkk