Okay, this was a stupid blog post. Well, ever since I started school (yesterday), i've been feeling unusually tired. Well, I only got three hours of sleep since I was chatting late on FaceBook (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!)Like, I seriously almost fell asleep when I was taking a test today. Well, this post is basically where I complain about my lack of sleep and how I like staying up late. But it makes me happy cuz I can function on just about any amount of sleep. I liek writing in BIG, bold letters^ ^ huh. ok, that's enough. SOMEBODY TALK TO ME! XDD


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HAHAHAHA Yes yes, i know who am I haha But don't blame me! I kept telling you to go to sleep so that exactly this wouldn't happened, but u insisted on chatting! So it's not my fault!<br />
Phweee~ You started school already? mwahaha~ I don't start in 2 weeks. =u=;