My Amazing Experience!

First let me start of saying to all my readers. I'm sorry I've been soo busy. I blame the holidays but really I shouldn't. I'll try and write more really soon now that my arm is better and I have so free time.

Anyways to the important part:

I want to share with everyone my amazing experience today. I am now a certified Reiki 1 Practitioner. I took a class to learn how to do Reiki on people. I went through my attunement so that my passages ways would not be blocked, and the spiritual energy could go through me and into whom ever I may be healing.

My attunement was extremely inspiring. At first it felt very odd, then I began to see colors. The first color I saw was spots of Green. The color green is contected to your heart charka, and when your heart chakra is off balance or blocked you can feel things such as depression. I have suffered depression before so I find it extremely facinating that that was the first color I saw. The next color I saw was purple which is the crown charka which was the first thing that was opened up so that I could allow the spiritual energy to flow through me. This charka also deals with depression. After that I began to see different color blues inerwining with the greens and some purple. Indigo or midnight blue is the color for the blow charka also known was the thrid eye and sky blue or in my case I saw turquoise (like the stone) which is the color for throat charka. Then I saw yellow which is the solar pelxus charka, then orange the sacral or navel charka, and finally the red the root charka. All the while I saw white spots and green. I thought it was interesting that besides the green everything followed in order. Not only that but as this was going on my throat felt extremely dry I really needed something to drink but by the end of it my mouth was completely moist.

But honestly the most amazing part was during the middle of the mediation. The teacher, told us to invision something, she wanted us to see our guides who are on the other side who will be helps us heal people. I got teary eyed when I made a contection with my grandmother and my cousin who had both passed away in my childhood. However, I got to see them and I know they will be guiding me through my work from now on. I am happy I can call upon them.

Anyways after I invisioned that I feel back into the colors and slowly began to open my eyes. It was truly an amazing experience for me. I hope I can continue to practice Reiki so I can help heal people.

I was excited to give a reiki session to serval people today. I did it on my aunt and felt my hands warm up. That is my sensation, everyone feels something different. My aunt who trained with me, feels tingles. When I practiced on her I could feel the energy coming out of my hands and into her. The more interesting thing was her knee, first one knee was cold it would not obsorb the warmth of the energy because her other knee needed that much attention. When I felt her other knee it felt like electicity. It didn't shock me but I could feel that something wasn't right. She had hurt her knee long ago.

My next patient was my grandfather. He started the session without me needing to focus on anything. So I went through all the different charka points I needed to focus on then I went to his feet. His feet gave me a strange feeling. It felt like something was crawling under his skin. His muscles seemed to be throbbing though they werent. It felt like it was going on a rocking motion or a circular motion. Since I'm still new and learn, I decided to focus on that a little longer before ending the session. After wards he came up to me and told my before he had the session done his feet were hurting him from walking all day however, afterwards they felt refreshed and as if nothing was wrong with them. I was amazed that I could actually sense that there was pain there.

My last patient was my mother. Before starting I asked what she wanted me to focus on. She asked if I could focus on her stomach since she was feeling pains there. So I went into the session knowing I had to focus on that area, however as I began to work, I got the same feeling I got with my grandfather only in my mother's head, when I was focusing her crown charka. I had asked her if she had had a headache or anything recently and she confessed that she had a headache not too long ago. When the session had ended she came up to me and told me her head felt very light and clear. She had never realized how much pressure she was feeling in her head until after the session when everything felt much lighter.

I'm excited for more. I am currently on my 21 one day clensing period where the energy will clear my charkas. Today is day 1, my crown charka is clearing itself. I have felt more pressure than usual in my head and hopeful all good things will come. Maybe I will continue my posts as I continue to go through this process and update about what happens. I can't wait to practice and learn more.

If you ever want to look into Reiki I really suggest it, it is truly amazing. And if you have question please feel free to ask. I am no master but I hope one day I will get the chance to become one.

In the next 21 days, to all my readers, if for some reason that through my clensing I get sick, I may not get the chance to update, but I hope to write more soon. Until then I am sorry. :D

Thank you so much for everything! <3


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Woah, awesome! That sounds really inspiring and cool! ^^