• 1: What eye color do you find iest?
  • I find black eyes the iest. I remember when I was younger and the perfect man in my head was a brown-eyed Australian, but now it's black. It's just such a smoky colour.
  • 2: White, milk, or dark chocolate mocha?
  • DARK CHOCOLATE ALL THE WAY. That is just yummy.
  • 3: If you could get a Sharpie tattoo on your back, what would it be?
  • It would be...hmm... it. I'd get one of EXO's wicked symbols on my back!
  • 4: Did you grow up in a small or big town? Did you like it?
  • Relatively small town; I still live in this small place actually, so yeah, I do like it :) Just not the people.
  • 5: Your favorite adult as a child? (and not your parents, if they were your favorite)
  • I loved P!nk as a child. She was like my idol. I just loved her - my mum even dressed me up in her rocker style with pigtails all over my head.
  • 6: What kind of smoothie sounds really good right now?
  • Chocolate smoothie all the way pls.
  • 7: Most embarrassing moment from your elementary school years?
  • Having to change with everyone when it was time for swimming lessons. I hated it.
  • 8: Most embarrassing moment from your middle school years?
  • Having to get up to talk to everyone at the front of the room. Kinda broad-scale right thur.
  • 9: Most embarrassing moment from your high school years?
  • Same as the above.
  • 10: Pirates or ninjas? Why?
  • Ninjas because damn if only I could have their stealth and wicked ability over the body! As my friend would say 'I see you but you don't see me.'
  • 11: Have you ever climbed a tree more than twenty feet off the ground?
  • Nope, I'm a chicken. Can't leave the ground.
  • 12: Did you like swinging as a child? Do you still get excited when you see a swing set?
  • Swings are awesome! They were the best thing for me whenever my family went to the park, and now, of course.
  • 13: If you could have any pet in the world, illegal or not, what would you get?
  • I would want a mother ing dragon. Bring it on Kris. Teach me your ways.
  • 14: What's your most favorite part of your body?
  • Ummm...I don't really think about this. I like...my lips? They're small but I like them.
  • 15: What's your most favorite part of your personality?
  • I'm ing hilarious. JK I think I'm a very good listener when people need someone to talk to, so yeah...
  • 16: Madonna or Lady Gaga? Neither? Both? Who cares?
  • Lady Gaga because Madonna has annoyed me since I was a mere babe. Plus Lady Gaga has some really wacky, creative songs.
  • 17: Have you ever watched the Superbowl all the way through?
  • Never even watched a minute tbh.
  • 18: Have you ever watched any major sporting event drunk?
  • Never been drunk. Seems I need somebody to come along and show me the ways of the so called 'wild life.'
  • 19: What's the most delicious food you've ever eaten in your life?
  • I have a heavy love of Chinese food...but the best would have to be when I went to a very homey pub and had shepherds pie; 'twas delicious.
  • 20: Margarine or butter? Which did you grow up with?
  • Butter, but that doesn't mean I like it.
  • 21: Whole, skim, 1%, or 2% milk? (Did you know they make 1 1/2% milk?)
  • Dunno...whatever lives in the fridge at the current time I crawl out of bed and attempt breakfast.
  • 22: Which continents have you been on?
  • Paris, London, Lisbon and Madrid. Yeah.
  • 23: Do you get motion sickness? Any horror stories?
  • Nope, not anymore es. I used to be really, really car sick but now I'm pretty much okay!
  • 24: Backpacks or satchels?
  • Backpacks are so much healthier for me.
  • 25: Would you wear a rainbow jacket? A neon yellow sweater? Checkered pants?
  • Yes to everything but the neon yellow...just eww.
  • 26: What was your favorite cartoon growing up?
  • Mona the Vampire! Distance makes the heart grow fonder (never could catch that bloody show!) I was also obsessed with Pokemon and Digimon, but hey.
  • 27: If you had to have a cow or a pig, which would you take? Why?
  • Cow so that I could present it to my gran proudly - an avid cow fanatic.
  • 28: If you had to look at one city skyline for the rest of your life, which would it be?
  • S.E.U.O.L BOIII! Just kidding, I don't know. I don't really like the city in any case.
  • 29: Longest plane ride you've ever been on?
  • Well, the ride to America was a load of . I hated it, but the holiday made up for that. Going to New Zealand next year though, which will be even worse so yay! Can't wait for that -.- I'll come back looking like shet.
  • 30: The latest you've ever slept?
  • Woke up at 3:00pm once I think. Wow.
  • 31: Would you buy a sweater covered in kitten pictures? Would you wear it if someone gave it you for free?
  • Nope, I'm no Key but damn that look is quite distasteful to me.
  • 32: Do you pick at scabs?
  • I used to until I realised how bad it is for the skin /snob
  • 33: Favorite kind of bean? Kidney? Black? Pinto?
  • ...You know, I have no idea. Ich habe keine Ahnung!
  • 34: How far can you throw a baseball?
  • I have a seriously weak throwing arm so pitifully far :/
  • 35: If you had to move to another country, where would you move?
  • I love Spain but it's too hot. Some places in Asia sound wonderful but so, so different. I may well move to Germany because the whole learning the language and all... so maybe Japan?
  • 36: Have you ever eaten Ethiopian food? Vietnamese? Korean? Nepalese? How was it?
  • Vietnamese once, which wasn't that bad. I liked it although there wasn't much for me to eat.
  • 37: Small, liberal arts school or public university? Why?
  • The words 'small' and 'art' imediately caught my eye so imma go with the former pls.
  • 38: A relationship with love or one with ?
  • Love because where can take you outside of an ? Personally, I think it would be wonderful to have just one special person to share your life with.
  • 39: Do you eat enough vegetables?
  • Nope and I don't regret it!
  • 40: Do you like horror movies? How about thrillers?
  • I LOVE anything horror. Seriously, I should calm down. My brother and me spent the whole of our summer holiday stayng up late to watch horror movies etc.
  • 41: Would you scratch a crotch itch in public?
  • No, eww. You nasty.
  • 42: Do you swear in front of your parents?
  • Lol yes because they swear in front of me!
  • 43: Coolest thing you've ever been for Halloween?
  • A witch because damn I looked good!
  • 44: If you could change your natural hair color, would you? To what?
  • I don't think so. I love the colour of my hair, plus everyone is changing their hair colour nowadays - which not stick to the o naturel?
  • 45: Do you want to get married? Have kids?
  • I do actually. Well, I am. Me and Yoga have been married almost two years! *brandashes wedding ring*
  • 46: Do you use a reusable water bottle? If not, you should.
  • Sometimes...I be bad.
  • 47: City or nature person?
  • Nature es, look at me ~oooh~ Miss reference.
  • 48: Have you ever used something other than "makeup" as makeup? (Like paint? Markers?)
  • Yep, paint, markers and food. I am a beautiful creature! I am!
  • 49: Can you walk well in high heels? Even if you're a guy?
  • Kitten heels are my friend, because me and heels are just so not friends.
  • 50: Post 5 awesome things about yourself. BRAG AWAY!
  • Ummm...I can draw well. I can write well. I'm married to Yoga Lin! Ooooh snap! Also, I actually don't mind my body. Parts of it anyways. Ahhh I think imma go to bed now. Wait that was only four...uhhh...I have two amazing friends who I love very much. Peace out mother ers!


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MissScarlett #1
Nature es, look at me ~oooh~ ....that part just got to me XD hahaha wow, i really enjoyed this!! mind me stealing it?? :P tee hee....youre a very interesting person ma fredeend... :D