[OOC POST] To Iina = Boa~~~



I think I gave her a bad impression when we first talked. but then.. she still.. Became my friend..

she understands me .. Also he accepted me for who I really am and was..

Even with what really happened to my past  and how I was just always a freakin jealous and y as my usual self.

I think she is also the reason that  made me think that I should be more open to others and not to close my doors from my parents..

And she made me kind of like..or love living.

With the love that  she gave me, she made me felt like I wouldn't ask for more.

I feel that there is always someone that I could talk to..

It  makes me contented and at the same time, it fits the missing piece of  MY puzzle,


..it completes me, It makes me  whole.


...I'm sorry if i'm not the perfect girlfriend but I always wanted to make you happy..

..iina.. I wouldn't ask for more. your existence is happiness for me.. 







"Distance is nothing if the person is your everything~~~"


saranghaeyo, my iina~~~




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BoA-ss #1
PABO, I love you <3