The hot guy from Gloria Jeans.

Gloria Jeans is like Starbucks, only better. Better because of this one employee "J". 

J is known as "The Hot Guy From Gloria Jeans" to pretty buch the entire female poulation of my area.

Seemingly untouchable, yet unaware of his popularity. The perfect combination. 

He's really very tall with incredibly shiny, soft, long hair and an impressive adams apple. 

He's amazing. 

And guess what? 

He went out of his way  to see me before work today. 

The food court where I work has one entry and exit and leads to no-where. He came in, said hi, let me touch his hair and left the way he came. 

It made my day. 

I first spoke to J (excluding taking his order) three days ago. The conversation consisted of me telling him that "I added him on facebook and he accepted. It was the best moment of my life!" to which he responded "Yes!! :D". 

Turns out he's a really sweet guy.

Just goes to show that not all pretty people are . 


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