I'm not back yet but...! XD

I'm not back home yet! XD 

But meh cousins shooo nice~!!

They let me use there laptop and computer!! XD

LOL and my brother too!! With his Iphone and stuff~~ OuO

But cheaaa~!! Omgee totally crazy these days~ 

And I have a book dued like next week and guess what? 

I didn't even start reading it! And when I tried like we are busy.

Right now I am typing this up before I leave to like this Incredible place or something! XD

LOL I heard there was a buffet there!! <333

Omgee like my next house now! XD 

LOL but Imma go~~~ Cause cheaa~~~ Bye Chingus!!

Update later about trip when I get back~~ Look forward to it!! *cough* maybe *cough* 


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