
I feel sick T.T Do I have to go through this kind of life every single day? I'm bored to death!

My stupid cousin named A the second. Lol, I can't give his real name, since his name starts with A and he's the second oldest among his siblings, I shall call him A the second. He's disturbing me right now and watching me like a creep>_< Lord, safe him from insanity! Suddenly, he's talking about aliens. I just called him a dumb ! Yeah!


Okay, this is random and seriously dumb. I'm rambling about useless stuff, but what the hell... It's my blog, my space, my time, so my rules! Lol, nobody cares because nobody is actually reading it. Keke~ This is fun! Okay, I'm going insane. The other cousin named A the third, I'm influencing her to fall in love with KPOP!!! Muahahahahahahahahahah! I'm going to spread the Dong Bang Love first... Hihi, my minion!


Sleepy, drowsy, on the verge of going insane, I'm going to grab some ice-cream to cool down my hyperactive brain^^ So, chiao...


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midst_lhady22 #1
Ask him..if he knows lot about aliens..and tell him you know some alien names that the scientist found e.g. B.A.P *squeals* and sure he will leave you alone.. XDDD kekkeke..
I`m going insane too...Your not alone ^^
Dong bang love yay!! =D
TaeMint_18 #3
Randomness XD hahaha I like to read rambling. <3
It's fun to read other's blog xP
LOL, this was fun to read. >-<
Dong Bang Shin Ki
then kill her with SuJu
then immerse her in the Big Bang

whatever you do later is up to you
Woooooooooh that was fun to read
eunhaekaisooftw #8
I'm like -___- HAHAHA but hey it's fun reading yours . at least I know I'm not the only one suffering rn ;) go spread the loveee ~