Random :) and no need to read ...

I'm just going to ramble a bit , no need to read ...


I didn't have time to read OR update anything today , OR answer any wall posts D':
PLUS !!! My friend is going to London and he's going to stay there for A WHOLE YEAR !!!
I'm going to miss him so much x'C

Thanks for listening :)


// Tinkerbell :)<3


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ohh vem ska åka? :O någon jag vet?<br />
haha kul att du såg mig idag xD
thanks you guys , really makes me happy !! :)<3<br />
saranghe :*
Keke..... LOOONDOOON!!!! I'm jealous....
Yeah the title caught my attention 1 cause randomness=awesome and 2 cause it used reverse-psychology on me! XD<br />
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LOL A year will pass in no time! Don't worry! :D and since school is starting tomorrow I'm sure I'll have no time either >.< ugh
Of course people are going to read if you title it "Random :) and no need to read..." xD Anyway, don't fret about not being able to do all that stuff...it's all right. About your friend, it's not the end of the world. There is instant messaging, webcam, email, and all that good stuff technology has to offer. Before you know it, 1 year will be over ^^ Tinkerbell hwaiting!
</3 :(