Hiatus... And More!

Hi Everyone! I know that I haven't been on in a while, but... I have more bad news... I'm going to be on a semi-hiatus.. I'm sorry... I know that I kinda already am... But I mean.. I won't be that talkative on here.. I mean.. I'll still be here, but only for updating.. I'll be writing my stories at school and updating them about.. I don't know...

~The Transfer Student~ and The Moment You Became Stars.... My Stars [M] are going to be on a stop for a while.. I don't have a lot of time to think for those stories right now... Since.. It's like old.. And my story that only has like 3 Chapters has 3/4 the same!.. So.. I will try to update as fast as I can so I can keep up with everything! I know that I'll updating and busy writing a lot during home for you guys! I'll try really hard! Ohkay? I think that I'll be really on a BIG haitus... But I'll try to update... Weekly? ... It's probably goign to be monthly though... Sorry!!


Another little fact... I think this is why I can't get anything done... I'm adding more stories! Haha! Yeah... I know... I'm a bad person.. I don't finish what I start! ... Hopefully that's never so you guys can be expecting a lot of things! Hah! Well.. I thought of like... 4 stories!! Hah! I'll explain on my next blog which will appear soon... I hope you guys will still support me! I'll be back once in a while! So I hope that you guys will keep waiting!! LOVE YOU ALL!! <3333

- SeoulSoulMate


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I'll wait! don't worry, I understand. But please don't stop! I don't hate it I you update for ably 1 a month. It is better then stop ^.~