( r e a d ) ; oh, there's a blog-thing here

Well, I decided to have a look around the site, and I found that there's blog thing here. (Yeah, I'm stupid.) Anyway, I don't really know why I decided to create a blog about.. finding.. blogs.. //cough

My cold's getting better, which means I won't be as depressing. I was told I was depressing so... o_o

Oh well. Bye.

( d e v i n )


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I was waiting for you to
reply me hyung. aye, where have
you been, my-lovely-bro B/?
colorfulmemoirs #2
omo, taewon-ah... - -;;
and you're not depressing, hun. c:
just... boring. /shot
jk jk, i love you too, hahaha.
give noona a hug, okay?
i have no germs; what are these
germs you speak of. /brickd
anyway. baiyus. ♥