23.11.2012 #SMTOWNSG

No joke, SMTOWNSG was truly amazing.
Though, tbh I was kinda dissapointed that I missed the part wherby Sehun was dancing with BoA for Only One. In fact, most people missed it since it decided to rain when Hunnie came out #facepalm. The rain just had to ruin the SeBoA moment ㅠㅠ My friends and I were like, “Suho’s angry.” e u e

Blah. Yixing… He slipped and got injured ㅠㅠ He freaking slipped. Tbh I’m not really that surprised that many artistes slipped/almost slipped since even before the concert itself, it was raining pretty heavily accompanied with thunder and lightning. Sulli slipped, Yunho slipped, Tao slipped, Luna slipped, Kris fell and then there were many more who almost slipped/fell, but didn't. Taeyeon almost slipped too but Seohyun managed to catch her, breaking her fall.

I was having early dinner with my friends at Marina Square first before heading to the The Float. Since there were glass panels at the back of the foodcourt in Marina Square, many people kept going there to look out and check the weather.

My friends and I were lucky enough to be one of the first few to enter. When we managed to get it through the bag check and all, we went to the second floor to proceed with the ‘journey’. We looked down, saw the freaking amount of people still downstairs queueing to enter, we laughed. Sadistic, I know.

Eunhyuk and his singlish oh my freaking flipping god. Did you even know how cute he was!?

"I miss you lah." ; "I love you lah." ; "Nice to meet you lah."

Like, oh my freaking god. And then there's Yesung and his flipping cute intro too. "I. Am. Ye. Sung." Oh god. ㅠㅠ

Tbh it was kinda sad that Leeteuk was not there ㅠㅠ

JongTae's Internet War /flips table/

That Open Arms special stage /flips table/

The Dance Battle stage /flips table/

When Changmin was doing his intro, I asked my friend if I could actually take the light stick and just throw it at him because #CantContainFeels.

I sang like, almost every freaking song ;A; #iregretnothing

In fact when it started raining, the fan chants and cheering actually got even louder. Pretty amazing, isn’t it? Well, I’m pretty much both glad and grateful I managed to go to #SMTOWNSG.

Many thanks to my friend's mum for queueing 6h in place of us to help us get the tickets while we were in school having extra lessons that day ; u ; We owe her one ㅠ u ㅠ


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