Can Someone Help Me?

I have a lot of problem and worriness stuck in my head.. But my number one problem is about my broken-friendship..

I have this broken-friendship with a boy wich is my new friend.. The first time i meet him, i was like 'okay i think he is friendly, kind' but after around 2 weeks.. we have a fight.. and then a view days after that we beacme friends again.. But then after around 2 months.. We fight AGAIN.. I don't know what do i do wrong and i don't know why i he hate me so much.. I want to become friends with him again .. But i think it's impossible.. And  i think now he is arrogant.. He is just nice infront of seniors and teachers..But infront of me..he was so so arrogant..I can't handle it.. Now he is my enemy..I don't know why i hate him now.. I was also jealous of him caouse he is more smarter than me..I can't get this problem out of my head..

Question: What should i do?? Can anyone help me??

28 November 2012

The day it's Wednesday.. Even though in the middle of the day its a bad time, but in the end.. I finally talk to him^^..The person that i hate..  Maybe it is a normal thing... but i think it is not.. He usually doesn't want to listen to me.. But now he start the conversation first and then we both talk like usual.. I don't know why i feeling better about it.. I hope it will happen again and again..^^


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Try to talk to him!
I don't know if it will work, to!
Just talk to him...
Or act like you don't care...
Sorry, If it's not helping! XXD
But for Me it works XXD