We only had 3 working days because of the Thanksgiving Holiday <3  It's a bit sad though that we are going to have a new seating arrangement next week.  I was really getting along with my seatmates especially with the one sitting on my right.  


The girl who sat on my right...  I remember the first time I saw her was a few days after I signed the job offer and went to the office to submit some requirements.  I thought she was young, pretty, girly... I don't know how else to describe it english.. um... y? XD or a girl with an attitude?  But now that I've gotten to know her, she's really nice and talkative and turns out to be 9 years older than me and even has a 10-year-old kid and my other friend was like

"WHAT THE HECK?! You're lying!!! Your have a kid with that body?!?! I don't have a kid but I look like as if I had one.  This is so unfair!!!"  Yes, my friend is kind of dramatic. BWAHAHAHAHAH!!!


Also, this new seatmate... it turns out she didn't even come from a medical course.  She said she really had a hard time when she was new and told me that the accuracy scores I'm getting right now is really good.  


It surprises me when there are actaully 2 of them who actually asks help from me with listening to their reports.  It's just that when you're an old employee, you don't usually ask help from new employee.  It actually boosts up my confidence though of course I don't think I'm that good @_@ but I'm always happy to be of help.  My seatmate abused me yesterday saying something like...


Girl seamate: Can you listen to me report? You're not going to be my seatmate anymore next week.  (in a tone implying that she can't "use" me anymore)

Jishu;  Yeah so use me while you still can.  


I don't know if it was hours later or a few minutes later that she said something like that again so I told her that my "dramatic" friend is really good too and my seatmate went like she's tired of my friend because they've been seatmates before and for a really long time too and they talk a lot because my friend is really very talkative and my seatmate likes to go with the flow and talks as well. XD


I've been of help to a lot of people this week because we had to answer some orientation tests online so I've been giving answers to people XD  There's this guy who sounds really awkward because he obviously wants to call my name but doesn't even know WHAT my name is so he just goes like "Hey..." with an unsure voice.  BWAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!


Yesterday, I was done with my work and already went out of the work area but like an hour later (I was waiting for the trainees to be finish so we can practice for the Xmas presentation) I went back in to use the restroom and then the people left in the work area all went like "JISHU! HELP US!"  Ah, they were not done answering the tests... Hahahaha!!!


My new seatmate next week is an editor.... who was also my editor in our previous company. BWAHAAHHAHAHAH!!! I always found her nice and helpful but there was still some sort of a wall between us back then.  She's really good after all and I was just a newbie and then here in the new company... it repeated ALL OVER again. bWAHAHHAHAHA!! Except for the wall part because we seem to be much closer and talkative to each other now.  Sometimes she even talks to me first and I just go to the flow and the next thing I know, I'm opening up another topic.


What was really funny yesterday... I made a friend, some editors, and my SME watch the boy to boy kissing scene from the movie Pair of Love and they were all like "AAAAAAHHHHH!!!" and my innocent friend (the one who just an early regularization and now is an editor-in-training) covered her eyes.  Heck, even the security guard laughed with us or rather laughed at their reactions XD


SME:  Jishu, your pants has some kiddy design and you are wearing a Hello Kitty shirt and yet your mind...

Editor:  I'm ~ *sings*  (It's the song I sang the last time I had karaoke with them)

SME:  I'm really seeing you in a different light.


BWAHAHHAHAHA!!! Speaking of SME, she acted cutely to me the other day.  She hugged me and did some bumpy side movements and begged me to render OT. 


Jishu:  *nods, acting as if she was forced but it's obviously well... an act XD*

SME:  Yey! I really love you!

Jishu:  You owe me dinner!

SME:  =P  (well.. she didn't really stick her tongue out, but she had that kind of expression you know? XD)


Then the other day she was passing by and I was staring and we stared and then she suddenly attacked me by rubbing me cheek and pinching it lightly which left me dumbfounded XD


Remember the guy who can't pronounce Jishu properly?  He had an improvement and finally said my name right but these days... he returned to having a hard time again saying my name XD He asked if he can just call me "Jason" instead.  WHAT THE HECK?! XD!!!!


But this other pretty girl who also asked helped from me for answering the test, said that the name Jishu really sounds cute and asked why I wasn't wearing the earrings that I bought from her XD  I told her I can't wear them at work because it hurts with the headset.  She looks so pretty to the point where I kind of find it... uh... gayish?  You know how those gay guys who like to enter Ms. Universe something contests look like? They're just really pretty that they look like real girls and I find her having that kind of beauty sometimes when I look at her ^^;;


Oh and she has a habit of staring... I mean really staring like her eyes would really look at me as I move back and forth until I'm gone from her eyesight.


The last thing I'm going to talk about is... my janitor crush XD  We don't have the same shift this month but last week, I left something in the office so I went back to get something.  I saw a guy sitting on the couch with a cap, back view, but I didn't think too much about it as I pressed the button and waited for the elevator.  Then I heard a familiar voice "Ma'am!"  I turned around and it turned out to be him wearing casual clothes with a cap on. GAAAAAAAH!!!!


Jishu:  Oh! Kuya, it's you!  (I hope my smile wasn't too huge? XD)

Kuya:  Ma'am! Are you going to work for 24 hours?

Jishu:  Of course not! I'm just here to get something I left.

*elevator opens up*

Kuya:  Bye ma'am!

Jishu:  I'm going to be back. We'll still see each other.

*elevator closes... and when Jishu is back to the ground floor again*

Jishu:  Told you I'm going to be back.  I left my certificate of employment from my previous company *shows off the paper*

Kuya:  Oh! So it must be very important.

Jishu:  Yeah.  I'm going now. Bye!

Kuya: Bye! 


Fangirling by myself at the backseat of the car.  XD!!!!


Yesterday~ he was there standing and we happened to look at each other so we greeted good morning.  Then at night, I went inside the work area first because I wanted to change out of my very wet sweaty shirt.  Then of course, Kuya would usually be cleaning in the work area at that time because around 7-10 are the hours where nobody is working in the office except for him and the security guard.  He looked up as he heard the sound of the door.  We greeted each other again XD


So I changed in the restroom and went out but it seems like he was kind of waiting for me because he had stopped working and was just staring unless he was simply staring out of space XD  His gaze seem to have followed me then when I reached the door, my friends entered the work area.  Kuya went out of trance and started working again.


Well, whatever made him in trance, I don't think it's really me anyway.  You know how some people's stare seem to follow you but they aren't really actually looking at you but are actually deep in thoughts? He was probably like that. bWAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!  So the kind of waiting for me part was actually just me being assuming I bet XD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


So I think I talked a lot in this blog post so I'll stop now XD


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What an awesome xD
Your crush is so adorable...kekeke
XD It sounds so awesome<3 sjdaskbkasbsaksa and I want to squisheee your cheeeks
Wow~ what a week~ ^^<3
Kironstree #4
WOW. Sounds like a hilarious week!
jishu~! Ahahahah. Ikaw na. Well, who knows, he might like you too! Hihihihhihihih though i do the same thing as what he did sometimes, but we sometimes really do stare, like admiration or what would run in our minds. Ahahahahaha but don't ever put dirty thoughts on it. Just giving you the male perspective. Ahhahahaha
hae_ki #6
ahahahhhahahaha~ si kuya jud oi~!
wa koi lain m.say.... hahaha