The Rebels — application form — insert name here/insert code name here

before you start applying, there will be a few rules.

OO1 | Ulzzang Byeon Seoeun is taken, along with Oh Thehun as lover.
OO2 | Please remove the brackets when filling in the application.
OO3 | Make your application neat as possible. Messy applications will be rejected.
OO4 | Use the 'persona's' in chapter 1 as a small reference.
OO5 | Make sure you add in the littlest details.
OO6 | There is no password, I'm nice like that.
OO7 | If I accept your application in the story, then I probably will change some things.
OO8 | Please hyperlink everything you need to.
OO9 | As last, remove this when you think you're done.


fighting against justice.


insert picture of your character there. width is 400, heigth is  271.




username: ( please hyperlink it as well )
activiness: ( from 1 - 10 )
what should i call you?: ( just in case when i need to call you something )



character's name: ( asian names are allowed, but! italian, latin, greek names are also allowed )
nicknames: ( up to 4+. this is not your code name )
age: ( korean | international.  )
date of birth: ( month, date, year )
place of birth: ( the place you were born )
current hometown: ( the place where you live now )
ethinicity: ( only korean, chinese or european. e.g: korean/french, korean/dutch, chinese/korean, etc )
height: ( cm )
weight: ( kg )

ulzzang: ( remember, byeon seoeun is taken )
images: ( 5+. make sure it's high quality )
back up ulzzang: ( byeon seoeun is taken )
images: (3+. high quality )
style: ( tell how she dresses like. paragraphs/sentences are welcome, but pictures are most appreciated )
           rebel style: ( when your character is in her 'rebel form'. just like above )
extras: ( does she have piercings, tattoos, scars, etc? if yes, please hyperlink it. if not, then put in 'A/N' )


personality: ( this is very important. make sure it's detailed and easy to read )
short summary of personality: ( pick the traits that are in her personality )
likes: ( 10+ )
dislikes: ( 10+ )
fears: ( 5+. please visit this site for more information about phobias )
habits: ( 6+ )
trivia: ( unlimited )

character's history: ( sob stories are not my favorite, but of course. they are welcome )


code name: ( be creative when deciding this. you can only change it twice if you pm me )

how did you meet aploun belvedere?: ( aploun belvedere is the leader of capitale dei ribelli, also known as the capital of rebels )
how would you like to meet ceres lua?/how did you meet ceres lua?: ( ceres lua is my character, the "catch me if you can" character )

specialities: ( what things are you good at? 4+, 10- )
chosen weapon: ( the weapon(s) you're best at. 2+, 4- )
signature: ( e.g: kaito kid, from the anime detective conan, always left this behind. be creative )
education: ( are you still on school? or do you focus more on capitale dei ribelli? brief description )

why did you choose to join capitale dei ribelli?: ( it doesn't have to be long, but also not too short. give a description on why you chose to join it )

stats: ( this is important. don't make a super hero out of your character. at least two under the 3 )

offense: .../5 ( attacking )
defense: .../5 ( defending )
reflex: .../5 ( reacting )
speed: .../5 ( speaks for itself )
stealth: .../5 ( sneakiness )
strength: .../5 ( speaks for itself )
stamina: .../5 ( how long you can endure running etc )
markmanship: .../5 ( long range distances )


father: ( name | age | occupation | personality | dead/alive )
mother: ( name | age | occupation | personality | dead/alive )
siblings: ( 1+, 3-. name | age | occupation | personality | dead/alive. no idols )

best friend: ( 1+, 3-. idols are allowed. name | age | occupation | personality | dead/alive )
love interest: ( oh thehun is taken. name | age | what group | occupation | personality | rebel or not?  )
                          how did you meet?/how would you like to meet him?: ( brief description )
back up love interest: ( oh thehun is still taken. same as above )
                                         how did you meet?/how would you like to meet him?: ( brief description )

rival: ( your character doesn't have to have a rival if nessecary. put N/A if you dont )
           why are you rivals?: ( put N/A if you don't have a rival )


extras: ( anything i forgot? )
suggestions: ( something like to suggest for the story? )
scene request(s): ( it's okay, you can tell me )

"your character's motto"


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