Black Friday Shopping

            Hello, there. I'm going to rant right now.


      >:( I'm mad.


      I'm bored. My mom doesn't want to go Black Friday Shopping with me. Now I'm supposed to sit here with my laptop, praying that maybe she'll wake up from her stinkin' DEEP slumber and ask,"Do you want to go do Black Friday Shopping?" Which she probably won't and that's why I'm so mad. My brother gets to go, my cousins get to go, but why not me? Why can't I use the perfectly NICE and DEFINITELY BEST savings day on me? Just for one day! Seriously, now here I am ranting into my laptop, practically smashing the keys on the keyboard (sorry, laptop) and I'm so ANGRY and...sad. Angry because my brother could choose whatever he wants, and sad. Just sad, depression out of angriness. It's killing me. Why can't I get anything? Why my brother? I try hard to make them proud, I try to be smart in school when my brother gets nothing done and HE gets to choose what he wants, gets to choose how much money he wants, gets to choose what game he wants, and gets to choose what he wants to wear. It may sound silly, but I'm going to cry myself to sleep. My mom spends so much time on my brother, who is older than me by 6 years, while I am not nearly as loved by my mom. I try my hardest in school, on tests, and on practicing the flute. When my brother gets back from shopping, I'm going to ask,"Was it fun? Did you get something?" I'm going to ask if he got something for me. Even something as small as a square of chocolate I'll accept. If we don't go at night, we're probably not going in the day either. Thanks for listening to me rant. Sorry if you thought this was a blog about what I GOT from Black Friday Shopping because, apparently, I'm NOT GETTING anything. 


      >:( I'm mad.


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