}} COLOUR★APP;; Kwon Su Ki





}}YOUR AFF{{ EverLasting_Cloud



}}NAME{{ Kwon Su Ki
}}AGE{{ 19
}}HEIGHT{{ 162 cm
}}WEIGHT{{ 49 kg
}}DOB{{ 8/17/1993
}}FACE CLAIM{{ Hwang Ji Min~
}}SINGING{{ 1|2|3|4
}}DANCING{{ 1|2|3|4

}}COLOURin depth


DEMONIC: This word is the base of Su Ki's personality. Being sick of all the cutesy, 'aegyo' type of girls, she decided to take a path of her own, resulting in the little devil she is. Honestly, she is the evil type who loves to freak people out, and isn't afraid to throw a punch, or bite someone. With her two sharp teeth that look like fangs, some people even believe she's a vampire, but that's not the case. Su Ki loves to use her adorable, yet scary, smile on everyone, especially the innocent, pure girls that she sees in school, on the streets, and her fellow trainees. This quality is rare to find in SM trainees, and many Korean girls in general. Su Ki loves the feel of pain, and loves to see others get hurt as well. Sadistic and cruel, Su Ki takes advantage of her appearance to get what she wants. Never does she stop when she's set on something, especially her dreams. Although she's a demon at heart, she also has passion, passion for music. The one thing that has saved her, music.

FEARLESS: Another thing that Su Ki is known for, is her odd sense of fearlessness. This girl isn't afraid of anything, that anyone knows of at least. Su Ki goes out of her way to cross the lines of danger and take life-threatening risks. With no caution whatsoever, Su Ki parties and dares to be a rebel against her family, society, and elders. Knowing no one who can tame her, Su Ki's beast within comes out most often at night, because that's when the adrenaline really kicks in. 

TROUBLE: Wherever Su Ki is, trouble's bound to be. Su Ki somehow always finds herself in a mess that she can't out of without getting into even more trouble. Her parents don't notice, due to the fact that they don't pay much attention to her, and her friends are stupid enough to get into trouble with her. Luckily, some of them keep Su Ki's feet just a little closer to the ground. Su Ki constantly drinks (a bad habit of hers), but still has a bit of purity left in her. Her trouble-making ways only mean that she wants attention, attention that she has been neglected of her whole life. Will she finally get that attention when she debuts on a stage with a spotlight on her and her group members?

BADASS: Along with being somewhat evil and...attention-seeking, Su Ki gives off an 'I-Don't-Give-A-' attitude. Her laidback, yet smartass persona make her easy to talk to, but not always easy to get along with. Su Ki isn't always the smartest, or prettiest girl in the bunch, but she is the baddest in the game. She doesn't look like much of a 'gangster', but she's tougher than most would think, much tougher. Sporting leather jackets and choker necklaces, along with a tattoo on her back, her evil aura is outlined by red lipstick and y dresses. Su Ki often makes herself an item that is desired by many, but touched by none. She does have a sort of charismatic appeal that gets her attention, but in all reality, the kind of attention that Su Ki wants is something else; something warm, lingering, lasting. Love.

-Scary Movies (Horror Films)

-Spicy Foods (Especially Tacos and Kimchi)

-Fingerless Gloves

-Spiky Jewelry

-Leather (Jackets, Pants, Purses)


-High Heels & Sneakers

-Big Dogs

-Make-Up (Mainly Lipstick and Eyeliner)

-Caffinated Drinks (Soda, Coffee, Tea)



-Pokemon (Her Secret Obsession)





-Flowery Patterns

-The Color Pink



-Romantic Movies




-Small Dogs

-Bright Lights


-Slacking Off






-Street Fighting

-Climbing Trees



-Blogging (Anonymously)


-Drawing (Especially anime and chibi)


Growing up, Su Ki was usually the silent, awkward kid, until her oppa corrupted her by bringing her to street fights, group trainings, bars and such. Su Ki never really knew how to act or opinionate her beliefs on, due to always being alone at home and school, until her best friend, Minzy, came along. G-Dragon, her brother, introduced the two, and through dance, they instantly became inseperable. After a few years, the person that Su Ki turned out to be was now Sooky, the idol name she planned to take up when she became an idol trainee. Her dream was to follow in her brother's footsteps, although not being as truly bad as him, Su Ki vowed to follow her dreams all the way through without stopping for pety feelings, especially love. Hating her parents and turning into a rebellious teen, Su Ki imprinted everyone who met her with her original personality. Not only was she a badass, but she was unbelievably talented, with an overwhelming amount of confidence that blew away anyone who saw her perform. Not once did she seem truly happy throughout her childhood or teen years, but put her in a studio or gym with a boom box and sneakers, and you'll see her innocent happy side that is expressed through music. With only her brother and best friend to look up to, Su Ki became popular by looks and talent, but she really only had 2 friends. Surprisingly enough, she was happy enough to make it through and continue to reach for her dreams, standing on her own two feet with two hands to help her.


After auditioning for SM Entertainment, Su Ki was surprised to hear that she had passed the audition and would become a trainee at SME. Although it was a mere rival company to her brother's company, this boosted her competition and she didn't mind. Becoming a trainee at the age of 15 was hard, and training for 4 years was even harder. Putting extra effort and hard work in every day, Su Ki woke up at 5 in the morning, began training at 6 and didn't stop until the late hours of the night, at least 12 or 1 in the morning. Surviving off of caffeine, pills, and adrenaline, Su Ki's talent grew and grew, along with her passion and heart for music. With Minzy and her brother off at another company, she really only made friends with Amber of f(x) and Minho of SHINee. One person who wasn't really a friend, but moreso a respected sunbae, Key of SHINee, was surprisingly the closest person to Su Ki at the company, knowing almost everything about her after their 4 years of training together. Su Ki kept a chamber surrounding her heart, but let her guard down for that one person whom she never expected to fall for, Kim Kibum, that damn diva. 4 years had finally passed, and through lots of long work, Su Ki was finally told that she might have the chance to debut with a 7 member girl group called COLOUR. Nothing was more exciting than hoping her hard work had paid off, and her real idol life would begin. Who knows what could happen after debuting? Frienship? Enemies? Romance?

}}COLOURon stage

}}STAGE NAME{{ Sooky (Sooki)
}}IMAGE{{ Demonic Appeal (Charisma)

-To her fellow group members for fanservice, Sooky will straight up grind against them while dancing, bite their lips or necks, and bring their faces close together for an effect that will make fans go crazy.

-Oddly enough, Sooky loves fanservice, watching and doing it herself. Maybe it's just her odd personality traits.

-For her fans, Sooky will take selcas, but not aegyo selcas, y selcas that will leave them with a y charismatic impression.

-Also, she will wink and sign autographs.

-At fan meetings, she will often wear red lipstick and kiss the wrists of her fans to leave red lip marks there. This empowers her charismatic charm that makes her even more y.

-Sometimes, she will make videos of herself rapping and dancing, or singing ballads, just to please her fans and let them see another side of her.



}}MOTHER{{ Kwon Mi Seo || Kidergarten School Teacher || 48 Years Old || Su Ki's mother is the type of person to get her work done, go home and lay on the couch, and wait for her father to wait on her hand and foot, including making dinner. Mi Seo is rude, arrogant, wealthy, and not very mother-like at all.

}}FATHER{{ Kwon Song Hak || Manager for YG Entertainment || 50 Years Old || Su Ki's father is a hardworking man who lives for music, especially helping out at YG Entertainment where his son is an idol at. Along with that, Song Hak never catches a break due to cooking, cleaning, and taking care of whatever else the madame of the house orders. Overall, he's a kind-hearted man with good intentions, but has no time for his kids.

}}SIBLINGS{{ Kwon Jiyong || G-Dragon || Idol in Big Bang || 24 Years Old || An older, male version of Su Ki, without the evilness. GD is best known for his originality and weirdness that makes him One of A Kind. He is a caring brother to Su Ki, and would protect her from anything. He can see right past her quirky shell, knowing the real her hidden behind the evil mask.

}}OTHER{{ Love Interest: Kim Kibum || Key || Idol in SHINee || 21 Years Old || When Su Ki first became a trainee, her sunbae who helped train her was Key from SHINee. After a while of Su Ki not cooperating with him, Key got fed up and took a new approach on her; being aggressive. He fought back and wasn't afraid to get up close and personal. Key, finally figuring out the true Su Ki, and not just Sooky, eventually turned back into his dare-devil, gentlemanly self, beginning to fall for Su Ki, even though he'd never admit it. Su Ki, too, began to form a crush on her sunbae who she spent most of her trainee years with. Key is aggressive, badass, a daredevil, and much like Su Ki, except for the fact that he has a nice, sweet side to him that shows a lot.


}}AIRPORT{{ 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5
}}DORM &/OR PRACTICE{{ 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5
|| 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 
1  || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5

Also, any of the pictures in her gallery of her wearing outfits can represent her style as well.


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ArriSone #1
Your application is really nice and original~ However, I don't think SuKi fits in with COLOUR's concept ^^ But I'm planning on putting her into another group in the story, or perhaps as a selca, sort of like a rival group of COLOUR or just another artist they're friends with. I'll let you know~