Journal Entry #9- Holiday~




Happy Thanksgiving~ And if you're not in the US.... Happy Thurdays/Friday~~ :D

It has been one hectic week... --" so many family problems, not involving me, and fights, again not involving me. ^^; 

I think it cooled down a bit. Hopefully it would start to be better.. But  I like how the fights started like right before Thanksgiving...--"

It's break and I've been writing and playing games. Of course... My mom thinks I need to stop being on the computer so much... 

Should I stop...?


Naaahhh. That's so unlike me XD

Oh and Happy Birthday L.Joe~~

I think I should end it today..





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turtlepanda22 #1
Haha happy thanksgiving too XD same here a lot of ppl think I Shuld get off the Internet=.= I never listen lol hope u have a happy Turkey day^^