Hello =)

Hello everyone! This is me, infiniteexogirl =) Why I make this blog? To let my subscribers know about me, of course. Okay mayne you are not curious, but i just wanna tell so that we can become closer :) So, I was born in Singapore but live in Malaysia. My dad is half american, so I guess I'm quater american? Hahaha! I'm 17 years old, and people called me Ara :) its remind you of Hello Venus's leader? HAHAHAHA! :P my height and weight?? It's embarrassing to tell but yeah I guess it's fine here. I am 164cm and 49kg. Okay I know im fat, but im trying to lose weight now! :D I used to be 57kg okayyy. hehe. my bias? well my ultimate bias is actually Donghae from Super Junior :) I love him so much and yeah. my other biases are Woohyun, Baekhyun, Chen, Hyunsik(BTOB), Jinyoung(B1A4), Youngmin(BF), Ljoe, Youngjae and Yonghwa. haha. That's all I can think, from now xD I know I only have 4 friends on AFF, but if you are happen to see this, please kindly say hi to me :)) i would love to become your friends! <3 Oh I'm sorry for my lame story too. I'm trying to make it fun :)) forgive me, I am trying my best! That's all for now. I will update my story, and also my blog okay? bye everyone, much love!!




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