Self Esteem (yes it is another rant/ugly post)

ok so this is another im depressed im ugly posts, now i know anyone that reads this will just say "no your beautiful what are you talking about?" I just want to tell you all, im not. I am not the right size, the right shape or anything. I have facial hair due to a medical, my hair never looks good and i just. And i am trying to do all that but im just not pretty. I know losing weight takes time and all but im not pretty. im ugly

Ugly in the dictionary means "very unattractive or unpleasant to look at; offensive to the sense of beauty; displeasing in appearance."

And i am all of that. Most people say that it is the inner beauty that counts, but it doesn't not with me anyway. I am ugly, no one takes second glances at me. I don't have pretty eyes, my smile is horrible im nothing. Then when I try to make myself pretty, i just make myself worse. I almost feel like resorting to make up but i just don't want to. i just...i just hate knowing that im ugly and no matter what i tell people all they say is, no your beautiful or its the inner beauty that counts. At this point in time, i never feel beautiful, i know no one will read this but yeah i just wanted to get that off my chest


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Beauty is nothing, beauty won’t stay. You don’t know how lucky you are to be 'ugly', because if people like you, you know it’s for something else. <--wise words.
no way, i'm the same as you lol.
even my friends call me a fatty ~
but it's better when you dont think about it,
you will feel better that way (: