Urgent News From Me!

Stupid keyboard wouldn't work with the new motor so now im keyboardless! i can check whats going on and all but i can not comment at all, well that is until i have a new keyboard! XD lol. so i hope everyone will understand my situation! i am here at school usuing the school comp so yeah! I am very sorry. it'll probably take a few days! blog post for Day 9 and 10 will be up as soon as i have the new keyboard!

and comments on story will be there soon too! xD



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It's great that you got a new one.
VampireKnights #2
Aigoo sure its fine ! Just hurry up n fix it !
its back!! lol. XD lol. i have a new one!
I was about to ask how you typed this is your keyboards broken but then you told me! XD LOL! I hope it comes soon! Aish that'd drive me crazy!
Lol, totally understandable. I'll be waiting for your comments! ^^ I can't stay away from AFF either, especially after posting stories. I can't help but check for new comments or subscribers xD
okay fren, ye, I can't stay away from AFF, even for a day.
coercion #7
Okay~ :)