IDK how I feel about my friend's BF telling me that he thinks...

I'm hot and that I can't be cute. Im a bit offended. IDK. I know my the friend I did sit next to is also asian but shes so petite and small that shes like the cutest thing on Earth. And my other friend who sat across from me brought her boyfriend and this was the second time I met him. And yeah it was weird because he kept staring at me and I felt like I look extra hideous or something was on my face. And like my friend, who was sitting beside me was being adorable... like usual. And we're all like awww you're so adorable but shes like whining about how she doesn't want to be adorable and she wants to wear revealing clothes and look hot when she grows up. and we're 17 so technically we're growing up. And so my friend's boyfriend who is across from us is like, "You can't be hot, you're too adorable," And shes like WHAT?! NO!!!! What about her!? And she was gesturing towards me and he was like... ", I can't imagine her being cute, I can see she's hot but I can't imagine her as cute," And Im just like... (Pout.) I'm not cute!? And my friend who's sitting beside her boyfriend is like, "Yeah... but shes still freakin adorable!" and im like thanks! You're yyyyy! and that's how I was like the whole day today. And forever. I'm going to call everyone y... with a greasy face on! lmfao.  but still weird that he would call someone hot when hes sitting next to his girlfriend and the fact that im her friend makes it worst.


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o.O"""<br />
ehhh? I know u mean o.o goshies I hope doesn't have the hots for you though well unless u like him which I don't think u do <br />
and I wouldn't want to go after a guy that run my friendship with my bffl </3