ℛumor ℋas ℐt ┆ P a r k M i n m i



ℛumor ℋas ℐt 


Park MinMi

fly to your heart



 it started with a whisper

username : caramelsweet

link : Let's teleport

name : Mimi


♕ I can be you new addiction

character name : Park MinMi

nickname(s) : Mimi - Her friends think its quite difficult to emphasize her 'n' in her name so they took out her 'n' and call her 'mimi'

birthday : 10/01

age : 16

ethnicity : Pure Korean

languages : Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese


♕ hey baby, won't you look my way?

ulzzang name : Park Sora

links : one  l  two  l  three  l  four  l  five

back-up ulzzang : Kim Seuk Hye, Joo

links : one  l  two  l  three  l  four

extra : Just the normal ear piercing. 

style : She doesn't really like wearing dresses, its a no no for her, she would wear it only on special occasions. She prefers wearing pants or shorts over skirts. She wears anything that is comfortable but is fashionable. She loves to wear high heels. Its like a part of her life, she just adores high heels, she would wear sneakers when she's lazy to dress up. For accecories wise, she would only wear simple bracelets and earrings, since she is quite careless. style one  (inside she wear shorts)  l  style two  l  style three  l  style four  l  style five  l  style six


♕ she is a stranger 

history : Minmi was born into a rich family. Her family owns their own company. Since young, Minmi had always wished that she was a princess, her parents had treated her like a princess. She had adore all those princesses in all those fairytale stories. She grew up watching all those fairytale shows. She had a good life, she was contented but she was on a mission, a mission to find her prince charming that would sweep her off her feet and live happily ever after. Her adoration for fairytales had never died even when she's already 16. Her brother had told her that all this fairytales are fake but she threw a tantrum on her brother whenever he said that. Her parents don't really care, its her life anyway.


personality : 

"Where's my prince charming?" -- She is a fantasizer and dreamer. She fantasizes and dreams about all those fairytale plots happening to her life, a prince charming on a white horse, sweeping her off her feet, getting married and living a happy life in their own castle. Yes, she fantasizes and dreams about that. Most girls would think that all these fairytales are childish and won't come true, but she is not most girls. Call her childish if you want to, she won't even care if people call her that. 

"You are a star, my star"  -- Like any girls, she loves romantics things, romantic novels, romantic shows or movies. She is a hopeless romantic. If she finds her prince charming, she promise herself to give all her love to him, hoping that he would give the same in return. She expects a full return for her effort and caring, to be loved as much as she love him. 

"Where did i...?" -- She is quite forgetful. Thanks to her forgetfulness, she would often misplace or forgets where she put some of her stuffs, but things that a precious to her, she would keep in carefully, in a safe box or something like that. She would always forget what she wants to say, okay not always, but sometimes. If she forgets what she wants to say, she would try to rewind back her thoughts or steps. Like if she's in a classroom and she wants to say something to her friend which is outside the classroom, she would go to her and opens up but ends up forgetting what she wants to say, she would ask her friend to wait and then go back into her classroom to rememer what she wants to say.

"NO MEANS NO!" -- She is quite a stubborn girl. She doesn't like it when people orders or force her to do something. If she says no, it means no and she won't change her mind. If she wants something and she doesn't get it, she would do anything just to get it or she would throw a tantrum.  If she makes a decision to do something, she would not change it even if a lot of people tries to change her mind.


likes : 

  • Chocolate
  • Coton Candy
  • Ice cream
  • Fairytales
  • Animals
  • Stargazing
  • Shopping
  • Taking pictures

dislikes : 

  • Insects
  • Being alone in the dark
  • Clowns
  • Spicy Foods
  • Being forced or ordered around

habits : 

  • clapping her hands when she's laughing
  • Pinching and squishing her cheeks when she's bored
  • Spouting gibberish when she's scared or shocked.

hobbies : 

  • Dancing
  • Singing
  • Baking
  • cooking

trivia : 

  • Has a thing for guys who has muscular but not bulky arms and back muscles.
  • A contortionist - someone who can twist their body into postions and shapes that ordinary people cannot
  • Everyday without fail, she would receive confessions from guys and she would reject it cause she's waiting for her prince charming.
  • Hugging people like a teddy bear when she's sleeping
  • a huge fan of TVXQ
  • a very deep sleeper, she can't wake up early.


♕ you and I have history

family :

father - Park Min Ho

age - 45

occupation - CEO of Car Company

dead/alive - alive

personality - Caring, Hardworking, Protective, great sense of humor, hot-tempered


mother - Kim Hani

age - 43

occupation - Co-Ceo of Car Company

dead/alive - Alive

personality - Understanding, Stubborn, Caring, Loving, hardworking


Brother - Park Chan Ho

age - 22

occupation - Heir of Car Company.

dead/alive - Alive

personality - Protective, Funny, Caring, Carefree


friends : 

name : Lee Chaerin

age : 2nd year

closeness : close friend

personality : Sarcastic, Witty, Funny, Caring

how you met : While walking, minmi was in her dreamland and accidentally trip over a rock and sprain her ankle. Chaerin saw it and help her, from that day on they become friends.


name : Lee Jieun

age : 1st year

closeness : close friend

Personality : Friendly, Gullible, Understanding, carefree

How you met : She bump into Minmi while walking and accidentally spilled her milkshake on Minmi's pants. She said sorry and bowed a lot of times, Minmi didn't really mind it and said its okay. Jieun felt guilty and brought her to a clothing shop to buy for her pants and from that day on they became friends.


best friend(s) : 

name : Kim Hyuna

age : 2nd year

closeness : They are like blood sister. Best friend

personality : Sarcastic, cute, funny, understanding, caring

how you met : They are childhood friends. They had been going to the same school since kindergarten.


♕ hey sugar, show me all your love

love interest : Kai

age : 18

relationship : Friend zone kind of relationship. He's quite while minmi is quite talkative and he easily gets irritated with her. Minmi always sticks to him or follows him like a lost puppy. He keeps teasing Minmi while Minmi keeps calling him by his real name, 'Jongin' cause she knows that he don't let just anybody call him that and she is determine to be that anybody.

meeting : Minmi was walking home from the cafe nearby her house when someone drag her into an alley while covering and threatening her to give him money or he would pleasure himself with her body. Minmi didn't give him the money and he started to kiss her neck, making his way to his lips, he would have kissed her if Kai didn't save her. When he saved her, in MInMi's eyes, he was like a prince charming who rescued her from the evil witch, from that day on, Minmi tried to get to know him better.

love : MinMi falls in love with him first.

love interest two : Luhan

age : 18

relationship : Quite close. SInce that faithful day, they became friends. Luhan often about her fantasies and MinMi would back about his girly looks and that irritated Luhan. To him, MinMi was like a princess and to MinMi he was like a knight in shining armour.

meeting : Minmi was daydreaming when she crossed the road. She didn't look left or right, she didn't even notice that people were shouting to her. She say a bright light from her left side, she turned her head to the light directions and stood rooted to the ground. She couldn't move, she thought she was gonna die, until Luhan came jumping to the other side of the road with Minmi in her arms. 

love : Luhan fell in love with her first.

do you want a love triangle? No. I want More Kai and MinMi moments.


♕ I could hear the chitchat

fly to your heart 

romance : Its in her nature to be a hopeless romantic. Since young, she had love fairytales and romantic shows. She just loves romantic things, romantics dates, dinner and all taht.

fly : Dancing and Baking the most. Singing and Cooking are her second favourite.

dreams : The scene where MinMi had followed him wherever he went which irritated him but he had no choice but to let her follow him since she was so stubborn. They spent the whole day together, but it was mostly MinMi dragging him from places to places, in the night time she decides to bring him to her secret place, an open field on a hill(Not a lot of people knows that the place existed) to stargaze. They were talking and Minmi sneeze non-stop for a few seconds, Kai found it adorable and laughed. His laugh was like music to her ears, and she turn around to face him and he was grinning at her, that was the moment where her prince charming sweeps her off her feet. She was determine to make him hers.


♕ now rumor has it she ain't got your love anymore


suggestions : Nope. none :D

requests : I don't know. Umm a scene where they go on a romantic date and its snowing :D and and a slow music was playing and they dance together and Kai said sweet things to her like 

Kai: Did it hurt?

MinMi : Huh?

Kai : Did it hurt when an angel like you fell down from the sky?

or he confess to her or something :D

password : There are no passwords o.O



umor as t



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