The Romantic and the Idol || Park JaeMi


- { Application.
Basic «
Name: Park JaeMi
(?)Nickname(s): Jae
Age: 15
Birthdate: 2.24.96
Birthplace: Daegu, S. Korea
Pictures/links (Ulzzangs ONLY):    [[ Jang HaeByeol ]] ( I hope the pictures show up. >\< )
Personality «
(?)Hobbies: Skateboarding || drawing || dancing || eating sweets || baking
Likes (bullet form):
* the color orange
* bunnies
* skinship
* romance and fluff
* skateboards
* candy and sweets
* jackets
Dislikes (bullet form):
*the color pink
* losing
* veggies
* playboys
* being jealous
Overall Personality:
Jae is an energetic little tomboy. Since she was little, she preferred to be outside skateboarding with the guys rather than play dress up. She loves skateboarding and dancing. By the time she was 10, she was doing tricks most people didn't try until they've been skating for years. She is fearless, and tried time after time to make things perfect. She acts like a little kid most of the time, and is naturally very cute. She loves to do skinship. She is loud and outspoken. She can get violent at times, but tries to control herself. She loves to talk and likes being told stories. 
Ideal «
Basic Ideal Type: taller than her, romantic, likes skinship, cute but can be serious
Male Idol Choices:
-Choi JoonHong(Zelo) || BAP
-Choi JongHyun(Changjo) || Teen Top
-No Minwoo || Boyfriend
- Lee Sungjong || Infinite
(?)Ideal Date/Meeting: A candy store/bakery! || A walk in the park || ice cream parlor
What/who brought you to audition: Jae is very competitive, and looks for contests/auditions everywhere. C; 


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