Random facts about my fics~!

here I was, writing my fic's 'Dangerous Romance' update... and I decided to make this.... (don't ask, just read xD)


my idea for my very first fic 'I will love you forever' came... hummm.... out of a story that I have written a year ago. Remember that show.... iCarly? well, there was a time were I was OBSESSED with that show and I decided to write a story of one of it's pairings. It was really stupid. xD

the original idea of 'I will love you forever' didn't have all that drama after high school. It was supossed to be just a silly high school/teenager love... but it turned out to be more.

my friends gave me the idea of the accident in 'I will love you forever'. I got a little inspired by the movie 'The Vow'

the ty chapie in said fic, wasn't planned... I randomly came up with that idea

the idea for the ty one-shot fic came.... whenIwalkedinfrontofthesecretary'sofficeatchool *it's embarrassed of herself* I know! I'm INSANE

It took me over a week for writing the chapter since I got REALLY embarassed when I wrote 1 single sentence ><

I always write my fics on notebook before I type them. SOmetime I just get inspiration and I MUST write it before it runs away from my head

My uncle almost grabbed my little notebook wehre I have written the chapter (OTL O.O)

my Super Junior's Cinderella version came up from the script I stole from one of my friends of her 'not notmal cinderella' play. Hope she doesn't mind O.O

Oh well... xD 

the fic 'When you're gone' appeared after I watched Rascal Flatts' "What Hurts the Most" MV.... the part where the girls runs in the middle of the road... yeah, that was what inspired me xD

'Lips of an angel' was supposed to be either a KyuWook or a HanChul fic, but after thinking it a lot, I decided to make it a SiBum one since the context of 'someone leaving and they both miss eachother' fit better with those 2.

I got the idea of 'Lost soul' by the song 'Jesus of Suburbia' by Green Day

I KNEW I needed help for that fic since I wanted to make it really angsty, that's why my dongsaeng fellow KyuWookBiased stalker is my precious co-author

'The Babysitter', 'Dangerous Obsesion' and 'Rain of blades' AREN'T mine... ( I did tell u guys that.... right?)

said fics were originally ... Justin Bieber's fics >< I decied to make them better... right? OuO

'Dangerous romance' was supposed to be a KyuWook fic xD, but I decided to apply my other fav OTP (make that, ZhouRy)

At first, Heechul was supposed to be the vampire that turned Zhou Mi into one, but I changed my mind when a better idea popped in my mind (I ain't telling it, it would be a HUGE spoiler xD)

As you can see, many of my fics came up from listening to songs xD

'Monster', 'The Words I need to say' and 'If we ever meet again' were written in spanish because I wanted to make them really good, and I think I can express myself better in spanish (my first language)

I used google translator to translate said fics xD (I felt lazy.... xD)

'The words I need to say' came up by lstening to 'The wrods I don't want to hear' by Trouble Maker (which BTW, the lyrics have nothing to do with the actual fic xD)

one of my friends helps me with 'Lost soul' since her... hem... knows a lot about that

I've full-filled the total of 3 notebook with all my fics 

'My beloved princess'' idea came up by watching Madagascar 2 (I know... my twisted mind xD) right in the part wehre Alex's father has to kick him out of the herd. I thought "what would have happen if the father really have kicked him out?" yep... just like that xD

said fic was supposed to be a Boy x Boy fic, but my friends made me change my mind... yeah...

'If we ever meet again' came up with the song with the same name by Katy Perry

I wrote 'Monster' because I really wanted to write a vampire KyuWook fic xD (CrazyKyuWookShipper)

I was writing a KyuWook fic named 'SPY' based  on said song and the videogame 'Resident Evil 4', but I decided to stop since it was a stupid plot and stupid story. I didn't know where in hell to take it (meaning, the end)






that's it!! >u<

now u know how sick I am when it comes to inspiration xD








Got nothing to do with the post... but

LOL!!!!!! LMAO!




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