I'm screwed fun fact xD

Sooooooo me and my friend just did some research about the 4 most dangerous cities in Sweden, and this is how it goes:

1. Stockholm

2. Gävle

3. Sandviken

4. Hofors

So, Stockholm is the capital so that's understandable but here's the thing:

I live in Sandviken, the third most dangerous city.

Gävle and Hofors are the cities around my town.

Many of my friends live in Gävle.

My friend who did this with me lives in Hofors.

And i'm constantly visiting those two cities. 

To be quite honest, these four cities are the only cities in Sweden where i actually go xDD

There are constantly crimes happening in Sandviken (my home lol) and Gävle and yesterday a woman almost got stabbed to death two houses from my friends house. And i know there are many people from an foreign maffia living in our town (i'm not gonna mention which maffia though since my brother knows one of them so.....) And i know several persons who've shot and stabbed people in Sandviken. And you can almost count on something happening if you walk alone in the park after 8 PM.


I'm so bad bad, but i'm so hood hood xDD lolololol 


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