
Sorry to my friends who had read this already.

This post is to explain why do I not like wall promotions. 





All my subscribers were gained by my own hard work, and of course promotion by my cousin on her fic. I don't like how people take shortcuts by promoting around. Therefore I don't like to entertain others when they promote. 
Anyways, those people who promoted on my wall, do you know that you guys made me felt like as if all my chapters are just futile attempts to get more readers? Since people can just get readers easily by promoting around, why did I even bother to try to make my stories as perfect as I can do? 
So, stop promoting on my wall or else I'll go to your wall and maybe scold you, which I really don't want to :<
I can prolly guess your plot. If it's not "I hate this person but we end up being together", or "I'm getting married to ___ but we don't like each other/arranged marriage", or "he likes me but I don't like him, vice versa", or "two guys liking the same girl", it's probably role play
Yes I know I sound mean and I'm being really stereotypical but do know that it's because most promotions I've seen leads me to a boring story.



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Yep!I agree with that~^^When ppl do that on my wall,I just ignore 'em or sometimes if it's from a dearly friend,I just tell them that I'll read it but I kinda don't really...I only go 2 their 4word n see if it catches me...if doesn't,...I'm outa here byby...well,it's a different story when I feel like reading or in a good mood^^
I agree with most of it except the last part. I've read some extremely good docs on AFF which aren't that popular. Honestly, the most popular fics are the most cliche ones. I don't even bother to read the recommended section most of the time. Most fics are like "Annyeong! I am EXO-M Kris's Wifey!" or "I'm in an Arranged Marriage with MYUNGSOO?!?!?!"
I absolutely detest the new upvoting system because, to be realistic, most of the users on AFF are young preteen girls who love reading about stuff like that.
Oh, and I forgot, "He's a PLAYBOY but I'm a NERD"
*likes this post* omg should I like copy this too xD totally agree with you yeah x)