♔ : the territory wars -- Park MinMi

 (miss flirtatious)
 the name is╎ ) 
↳ Park MinMi
 the many years╎♔ ) 
↳ 17 
 the very second╎♔ ) 
↳ Miss second-in-command
 the mirror says╎♔ ) 
↳ Park Sora 
↳ Kim Seuk Hye (You don't know how much i love this two ulzzangs <3)
 the heart beats╎♔ ) 
↳ Exo-m Luhan
↳  Exo-m Lay
 rule number one╎fish without a bicycle  )  
↳ She tends to curse whenever she get shocked by something or somebody
↳ She can never wake up early, and because of this, she is often late or just on time like she appears 1-5 seonds before the stated time.
↳ Biting her lips when she has nothing to say
↳ her lips
↳ Clapping her hands like a seal when she's laughing
↳ Panicking like mad when she can't find her phone and smacking herself when she finds out she's been panicking for nothing cause her phone is in her hands.
↳ a er for arm muscles and back muscles.
 rule number two╎i lost my mind ♔ 
↳ She has two pets. A  fluffy white cat and a  white bichon frise puppy.
↳ She prefers living in a city.
 rule number three╎coward to the end ♔ 
↳ Blood. - She has a phobia of blood. Whenever she sees them, she would get scared and end up in a crying mess.
↳ Being alone - She would feel uncomfortable and would go to anybody nearby and talk to them even though she doesn't know them, just to not feel alone. No harm in making new friends right?
↳ The dark - She gets very paranoid and would flinch if she hears anything. She watches to many murder/horror stories and she would think of the stories when she's in the dark, alone.
↳ Clowns - She has been scared of it since young. It justs freaks her out. She would either punch the clown or scream at its face then running somewhere far from the clone.
↳ Injection - She would end up crying when the doctor wants to inject her.
 rule number four╎ let's talk about love ♔ 
↳ MinMi met him in school, in a dance studio to be exact. Minmi was walking around the school aimlessly, trying to find the toilet which were not blocked since the boys chose to block of the girls toilet. While walking, she heard some musics and she walk in the direction of the music and she found him dancing. She was captivated by his dancing. It took her breath away, she didn't know she was holding her breath until he shouted at her what she was doing here. That was the start of their story where she is trying to get him but he's trying to run away from here.
 rule number five╎ the royal blood  ♔ )  
↳ (a fact about their family. do they have siblings or are they an only child? miss reluctant is very close to her family. miss flirtatious's father is a police officer. the only person with a sob story is miss leader, but she's taken, unless like I said, you're confident enough that you have the skills to be her C;)
↳ She has a big brother. She's the youngest in the family.
Father - Park DongJun, 42 years old, works as a police officer. Since he's one of the most highest rank in the polive force, he's quite strict but has a great sense of humor. He's caring and protective but no matter how hard he tries to change MinMi flirtatious attitude, all his efforts just goes down the drain, so he just try to accept the fact that MinMi is a flirt.
Mother - Jung Hyeri, 40 years old, the CEO of COEX shopping mall. She's hard-working, caring, loving, understanding. She has an easy-going attitude, she doesn't really care that Minmi is a flirt, as long as minmi won't create some troubles.
Brother - Park Siwan ,  23 years old, Heir of COEX shopping mall, a flirt, just like Minmi. He is protective, caring towards MinMi. He is very carefree and is a joker. He is someone Minmi would always go to whenever she has problems.
 rule number six╎all i ever wanted was the world  )  
↳ Cotton Candy - She would squeal and eat like. She would not share it with anybody, if she does, it just means that that person is very special to her.
↳ Animals - They're so cute, who in the right mind won't like them?
↳ Flirting - She loves flirting. She enjoys it to the core. One of the most enjoyable stuffs she has ever done in her life
↳ Dancing and Singing - Other than flirting, this is the 2nd best thing she likes. She even joined a dance crew.
↳ Chocolates - The best medicine for her when she's angry, sad etc.
↳ Stargazing while sitting under a big shady tree - It cools her mind
↳ Halloween - She hates dark and scary things but she loves halloween, the haunted house and all that.
 rule number seven╎don't make me cry ♔ )  
↳ Insects. -  She'd be running and screaming when the insect comes near her.
↳ Worms - She would feel like puking
↳ Spicy food - From young, she can't stand it. Even if its a little bit spicy. She just don't like it, ddukbokki is an exception.
↳ Dolls - Dolls like chucky, dolls that resembles a human. She is scared of it. She would do anything to avoid looking at it. 
↳ Not getting what she wants. - She hates it when things don't go her way. She would do anything just to get it.
 the history╎♔ 
↳ She was born with a silver spoon in . She's born into a rich family. She gets anything she wants. Her brother and her are always together. They stick to each other like glues. She picked up her brothers traits. The traits of being a flirt. Her brother would sneak her into clubs and then teach her how to be an expert flirt. He self proclaimed that he's the 'Flirt Guru' and MinMi is his student. And then one day, she was caught in a club, since she was underage, by a police officer. She was brought to the police station. Her father, being a police officer, practically exploded. He nagged at her about the laws and what could have happen like she could be drug and all that. Her mother just laugh it off. After the nagging session by her father, her brother was scolded by her father cause he was the one who taught her all this stuff, he said you should have been a good example, you should have taught her all this stuffs and all that. But this wasn't gonna stop her and her brothers flirty ways.
↳ When she was 16, she joined a dance crew. A hip hop dance crew to be exact. She would also sing at clubs if she feels like singing. Her father let her do all this stuffs since he said 'its better than being a strip dancer so i'll let you' and her mother supported her while her brother was happy since he would flirt with her friends. She was contented with her llife.
↳ Even though i said that she was contented with her life, she wasn't contented with her school. Her father just had to send her to an all girls high school when she clearly wanted a co-ed. Its was like hell for her. She couldn't flirt for half a day. To get her mind of flirting in school, she joined the swimming club and keep eating chocolates in school, but she never grows fat. She has a high metabolism rate. And when it close down, she was ecstatic. She told her father that she wanted to join a co-ed school and her father reluctantly agree. She told him she wanted to joined Seungska cause it used to be an all boys school which means more boys to flirt with, her father disagreed. They argued till the point that she threaten him that she would become a stripper if he doesn't let her go to Seungska and he reluctantly agree to he going to SEungska. She had an enjoyable time there.
 the persona╎♔ )  
↳ She is a coy, daring, sophisticated and wild kind of person. 
↳ "I'll just pretend and have you wrap around my fingers" 
Rather than showing her true self, she would pretend to be a modest kind of person. 'Trying' to not attract any ual attractions but clearly she does the opposite. She pretend to be someone she is not. Someone who is vulnerable, someone who is fragile, someone who is innocent. She succeds in giving that innocent aura. The boys just love innocent girls don't they? She would have them wrap around her little finger and play with them but she doesn't intends to be in a relationship. She wants a free life which nobody can't restrict her from doing something. 
"I'll take the risk" 
She is very daring. She is a daredevil. If she doesn't take the risk, then she would surely not live her life to the fullest. She wants to make sure that when she dies, she wants to die without regretting anything. She finds that things that are riskyis fun. She dares to be different. She is wittyand sarcastic. She was born sarcastic. When people ask the obvious, she would be very sarcastic with him/her. If she is not sarcastic for a day, then she's not MinMi. She dares to be sarcastic to teacher or even principals. Nothing is gonna stop her from being sarcastic.
"I love attention"
She is very fashionable. She makes sure that she's in trend. If she's not fashionable, she wouldn't attract attention and can't wrap boys around her finger in a blink of an eye can her? She makes sure she attracts attention wherever she go, and when she walks, everybody would turn their heads to her when she walks by or just sit around. She is also clever in a complicated way. Just because she is a flirt, it doesn't mean that she is a bimbo. She is clever but not  till the point where she would be called a nerd. She is just one of a kind. She lives a carefree life. If someone calls her a , etc, she'll ignore them, she has no time for people like them. They're just a waste of her time.
"Live like there's no tomorrow"
She loves partying. She's a wild animal and no one can tame her. She is uncontrollable, even her dad, whose a policy officer can control her. She is just that wild. She's the kind who love the tame her animals, in this case, boys. She makes sure that she'll fill them with her poison. She loves games, she's very competitive. She loves to have fun. In this case, it territory wars, she contributes to this just because she thinks that its gonna be fun.

 keep your friends close╎ ) 
↳ miss dorky
↳ miss opinionated
↳ miss second-in-command
↳ miss leader
↳ miss reluctant
❝ but your enemies closer╎ )  
↳ mister devoted
↳ mister arrogant
↳ mister musician
↳ mister popular
↳ mister childhoon friend
↳ mistr confusing
❝ pop quiz!╎ )  
If you see a crazy cow running toward your love interest (and at this moment, you hate his guts), what would you do?
a. warn them by screaming at the top of your lungs 
b. watch as their evil soul gets trampled to death
c. direct the cow towards you by waving your hands around like a maniac
d. do nothing and walk away

❝ pop quiz!╎ )  
You rant about the arrogant boys of seungska academy, in what you think is a private conversation. One of the boys are right behind you. What do you do?
a. lie your off and say you were talking about pancakes
b. kick him where it hurts and call him a creeper
c. run away and not look back
d. try and flirt your way out of it
❝ pop quiz!╎ )  
You end up in an elevator with your love interest. But then, like all cliches, the elevator jams. It turns out you're staying there for over an hour. What now? 
a. get desperate. scream at the top of your lungs or basically do anything in your power to get you out
b. have a long, heartfelt talk with your love interest 
c. be on your phone, if you have one, during the whole time. shoo away the love interest when he tries to use your phone
d. everything's awkward, both of you have nothing to do and neither of you have the guts to talk to each other. so you just have a staring contest
❝ pop quiz!╎ )  
You just found out Seungska Academy has only SIX girls. How do you react?
a. die, may your soul rest in piece  
b. scream your head off
c. think it's absolutely amazing 
d. more bonding time, I guess? unless the girls are absolutely irritating. then, i'll die
❝ pop quiz!╎ )  
The boys have just blocked all the entrances to the girls' bathroom. You see the boys' snickering about it. Your reaction? 
a. go up to the leader and punch them in the face
b. slowly your shirt, and when the guys are distracted, you make a run for it to the bathroom. 
c. throw a box of tampons and pads at all the boys 
d. threaten them by saying you'll ruin all their stuff because you really got to go
❝ pop quiz!╎ )  
The boys of Seungska have blocked ALL the places you and all the other girls go to, beside the bathroom.  You guys march over to the leader. What now? 
a. threaten your childhood friend 
b. silently cheer as the most opinionated girl dumps the ice down the popular leader's back
c. dump a five lbs. of ice down the leader's back (no one should cross you!)
d. declare the territory wars
❝ the controller╎ ) 


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lucidity #1
Those two ulzzangs are some of my most favorites tbh they're so pretty