Day 8: Your character is lost and the only way to get home is to take the offer of a stranger. Does he/she make it back home?

Wow im sorry i didnt post up day 8 yesterday! xD lol. I wasnt home and it was late by the time i got home so here's day 8. This one is ft everyone i think! XD lol. I'm not sure yet. Anyways lets start.


           "Aish where are we now?" Chaelin whined for the millionth time in the hour. She punch Jonghyun on the arm.

           "How did you manage to get us lost?" YeonMi ask Minho who was driving. She keep tapping both his sholder from the seat behind. "How?"

           "Well, You see YeonMi dongsaeng, Jonghyun here is the one with the map who is suppose to be the one telling Minho where to turn and how long it'll be." Chaliena explain to her.

           MiKyong sat in the back and Zzzzzzzzzzzz. throughout the whole time with her headphone on. Key was busy yelling with Jonghyun on where they are on the map and where to go from there. Onew snuck into the cooler of food and took out the Honey Floured Fried Chicken wongs. Minji was asleep on Taemin's shoulder who was sitting next to the sleeping MiKyong. Taemin head was rested ontop of Minji as tey slept soundlessly.

           "Yah, Pabo Jonghyun. Listen to key for once. I'm pretty sure he knows what he's doing better than you do, you brainless DINO." Chaelin made them both stop arguing.

            The car slowly came to a stop on the side. "Damn it." Minho hit the steering wheel. "We're out of gas. We've been on the road too long and haven't stop for gas."

            "See who's fault is that." The one that was awake all looked at Jonghyun.

           He threw the map at Key. "Fine just blame it on me. Just let Key figure it out." he turned away and lean into his seat. Chaelin feel bad so place a chin on his shoulder and said, "I still love you though bcause you are my Pabo DINO." A small smile curve at the corner of his lips.

           "Eww. You're all mushy now. BLeh." MiKyong pretend to gag. Everyone laughs at her.

            Key turn around at look att MiKyong. "It's okay Mi. That'll be us one day."

            "Omo, i can feel a chill go down my spine." She shiver. They all laugh.

            "Guys. this is serious. We have no idea where we are and we stuck here." Minho and YeonMi both yelled at the same time.

             "Damn calm down have you guys not figure out how to use the navigater?" MiKyong said from the back of the van.

            "There's a navigater?" They all turn to look at her. She nodded casually as if nothing was wrong. They all started to yell at her. "Here since we cant really go anywhere let me see if i can punch in where we are." She hopped all the seats up to where minho was. She punch in a whole bunch of stuff and bam. "Uh oh." She whisper.

             "What?" Minho look at her.

           "Nothing." She laugh. "Anyways. Here's the thing." She sigh. "The navigater says that to get out of here we have to get the gas in the trunk and head back about an hour and 30 minutes then turn left to head towards our destination for 30."

            "Thank God." Minho said. "But why did youo say, uh-oh?"

            "Because Onew Key took out the gas gallons to make room for our stuff."

            Everyone groan. "Anyways. Back to my sleep." She hops back and return to their seat. She quickly text JaeJoong.

~2 hours later~

             "Onew! Will you stop eating. That was suppose to be for dinner." Chaliena smack his hands. "Aw. But they're soo good."

             "Ha that hand is gone." Minji laughs as the play the finger game. (i forgot whats its call but i call it the finger game. XD) Taemin Sigh. "Cheater."

             "Hey look a van." Key yelled. A person with a mask on came out and ask in a strange voice. "Do you guys need help?"

             Minho looked at the others scared of what to answer. they nodded anyways. "Yes we do. can you take us here?"

            He looked at the map and nodded, slowly. They all smile, grabbed their things and got out of the van. They went into his van. The van have no back seat so they just sit on the ground. The van suddenly jerked forward so fast the all went flying. "He's kidnapping us and going to kill us." Key panick as this remind him of a horror movie.

            "OMG. don't say this." YeonMi buried her face in Minho's chest. He rubbed her back. They all started freaking out. after the longest ride of their life the van sudden stop. They all got quiet as the hugged one another except for MiKyong. She sat in her corner listening to music.

             The back door open. "Get out." The person with the mask on yelled. They did as told. Everyone grabbed their stuff and waited in a circle. "Okay on the count of three run that way. "They pointed to the hotel. Everyone nodded. "One.....Two......Three." They all went running.

             MiKyong laugh so hard as she watch them make a fool of themselves. She turns toward the mask guy. "Thanks Oppa." She smile and took off his mask. JaeJoong laughs. "NO problem. Yunho and them are working on the van right now so it should be here in a while." He mnessed up her hair. "Just call me when you guys need help again." He smile and walk back to the driver side with Mikyong following behind. "Thanks again oppa. Tell MinHee i said hey." She waves him off.


             "Oh no. where's mikyong?" Chaliena look at the group.

             "They murderer got her." Key screamed and cried.

             "We got to go save Her." Chaelin was about to go back.

             "I can't let you do that." Jonghyun pull her back.

             "I'll go. Im her dongsaeng. i need my noona too." Taemin was determined.

             "Me too. I'll go with Tae." Minji held onto his hand.

             "Guys." YeonMi said.

              "I cant let my baby boy go out after MiKyong." Key sobbed.

             "Guys." Minho said.

              "We left the chicken in the van." Onew pouts. "Now they'll get murder too."

              "Guys." They both said it this time.

              "We cant all go." Jonghyun said still holding Chaelin in his arm.

              "Yah! Pabos!" The voice cause the group of 7 pabo looking at her. Minho and YeonMi sigh.

             "Omo. MiKyong." they looked confuse. "We thought we lost you." She smack the 7.

             "Gosh you guys are pabos. Anyways that wass JaeJoong oppa lending us a hand and doing a great job at scaring yall. Here are the room keys. enjoy." She walks up to the elevator while the others just thought of what happen.

              "Yah! You MiKyong. You fooled us!" They all ran towards her and the closing elevator door.

             "Happy April Fool's Day guys." She said right when the door close. They all sigh and ran up the stairs.

  AN. hahahahaha hows this one!?

lol. hope yall like it.

April fool is a day in the US where you fool people on the first of April.

lol. anyways. here's day 8

im will work on day 9 right now. ^_^



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XD lol. i know right!
Lol. Mi Kyong is so chill and calm while everyone else is freaking out ^^
hahahahaha i know right! i think i rather just walk until i find a place instead of getting help! XD <br />
lol. Mikyong is evil! her character is sort of based off of mine!
MiKyong is so mean xD scaring them like that! then taking the elavator!
Before I read this I just want to comment: This day 8 idea is pretty scary O.O I would NEVER trust a stranger to get home! <br />
<br /> I shall read then comment *starts reading*