dude, you're sweet! why thank you, thank you very much


( p.s survey stolen from -sundae. )

level one.

( ) smoked a cigarette. 
( ) smoked a cigar.
(x) kissed a member of the same .

so far: 1


level two.

( x ) are/been in love.
( ) dumped someone.
(x) been fired. virtually, yes ;)
(x) been in a fist fight.

so far: 4


level three.

(x) had a crush on an older person.
(x) skipped class. 
( ) slept with a co-worker.
(x) seen someone/something die.

so far: 7


level four.

(x) had/have a crush on one of your da friends.
( ) been to paris. 
( ) been to spain.
(x) been on a plane.
(x) thrown up from drinking. tasted a little beer, threw up ;)

so far: 10


level five.

(x) eaten sushi
(x) been snowboarding. better at skiing though
(x) met someone in person through the internet.
( ) been in a mosh pit DFUQ IS THIS.

so far: 13


level six.

( ) been in an abusive relationship.
(x) taken painkillers.
(x) liked/loved someone who you couldn't have.
(x) laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by.
(x) made a snow angel.

so far: 17


level seven.

( ) had a tea party.
(x) flown a kite.
(x) built a sand castle.
( ) gone mudding.
(x) played dress-up.

so far: 20


level eight.

(x) jumped into a pile of leaves.
(x) gone sledding.
(x) cheated while playing a game.
(x) been lonely.
(x) fallen asleep at work/school.

so far: 25


level nine.

(x) been screamed at.
(x) got injured. and bled.
(x) caught something on fire.
( ) illegally turned a fire alarm on.
(x) stole something.

so far: 29


level ten.

(x) watched the sun set or rise.
(x) felt an earthquake.
( ) killed a snake.

so far: 20


level eleven.

(x) been tickled.
(x) been robbed/vandalized. well family money, so yeah :P
( ) been cheated on.
(x) been misunderstood.

so far: 23


level twelve.

(x) won a contest.
( ) been suspended from school.
(x) had detention.
(x) been in a car/motorcycle accident.

so far: 26


level thirteen.

( ) had/have braces.
(x) eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night.
(x) danced in the moonlight.

so far: 28


level fourteen.

(x) hated the way you look.
(x) witnessed a crime.
(x) pole danced. in a way.
(x) questioned your heart.
(x) been obsessed with post-it notes.

so far: 33


level fifteen.

(x) squished barefoot through the mud.
(x) been to the opposite side of the world.
(x) swam in the ocean.
(x) felt like you were dying. well i couldn't breathe and i nearly did die once.

so far: 37


level sixteen.

(x) cried yourself to sleep. everyday atm
(x) played cops and robbers.
(x) recently colored with crayons/colored pencils/markers.
(x) sang karaoke.
(x) paid for a meal with only coins. YES OMG I WAS BEING "POOR"

so far: 42


level seventeen.

(x) done something you told yourself you wouldn't.
(x) made prank phone calls.
(x) laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose.
( ) kissed in the rain.

so far: 45


level eighteen.

(x) written a letter to santa claus.
(x) watched the sunset/sunrise with someone you care/cared about.
(x) blown bubbles.
(x) made a bonfire on the beach or anywhere.

so far: 49


level nineteen.

( ) crashed a party.
(x) have traveled more than 5 days with a car full of people.
(x) gone rollerskating/blading.
(x) had a wish come true.
( ) been humped by a monkey. WHAT.

so far: 52


level twenty.

(x) worn pearls.
 ( ) jumped off a bridge. nearly fell off one.
(x) screamed bad words.
(x) swam with dolphins. not exactly with. they were around my location ;)

so far: 55


level twenty-one.

(x) got your tongue stuck to a pole/freezer/ice cubes.
(x) kicked a fish.
(x) worn the opposite 's clothes.
(x) sat on a rooftop and watched the stars.

so far: 59


level twenty-two.

(x) screamed at the top of your lungs.
(x) done/attempted a one-handed cartwheel.
(x) talked on the phone for more than 6 hours.
(x) recently stayed up really late talking to someone you care about.

so far: 63


level twenty-three.

(x) picked and ate an apple right off the tree.
(x) climbed/attempted to climb a tree.
(x) had/been in a tree house.
(x) been scared to watch scary movies alone.

so far: 67


level twenty-four.

(x) believe in ghosts.
( ) have had more than 30 pairs of shoes.
( ) gone streaking.
(x) visited a jail.

so far: 69 OOOHHHHH LOOK AT IT. 69.


level twenty-five.

( ) played chicken.
(X)  been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on.
( ) been told you're hot by a complete stranger.
(x) broken a bone.
(x) been easily amused.

so far: 71


level twenty-six.

( ) caught a fish then ate it later. 
( ) made a video/got asked to make one.
(x) caught a butterfly.
(x) laughed so hard you cried.
(x) cried so hard you laughed.

so far: 74


level twenty-seven.

(x) mooned/flashed someone. YOU HAVE NO IDEA.
(x) had someone moon/flash you.
(x) cheated on a test.
(x) forgotten someone's name.
( ) french braided someone's hair.
( ) gone skinny dipping.
(x) been kicked out of your house.

so far: 79


level twenty-eight.

(x) rode a roller coaster.
(x) went scuba-diving/snorkeling.
(x) had a cavity. 
(x) blackmailed someone.
( ) been blackmailed.

so far: 83


level twenty-nine.

(x) been used.
(x) fell going up the stairs.
( ) a cat.
( ) bitten a cat.
( ) gone to a rave party.

so far: 85


level thirty.

( ) been shot at/or at gunpoint.
( ) had in the rain.
(x) flattened someone's tires.
( ) rode in a car/truck until the gas light came on.
( ) got five dollars or less worth of gas.



total: 86



0-10: go outside.
11-20: get a life.
21-30: loser.
31-40: loner.
41-50: you have friends?
51-60: you're kinda-sorta cool.
61-70: i'll hang with you.
71-80: mr/ms. cool.
81-90: dude, you're sweet!
91-100: friggin' awesome!
101-110: woah!
111-119: holy crap, you belong in a hospital!
120: corpse

( put your score as the blog title. )


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Ha. 34. Loner.
thanks world. nigga pls, fuq ur , i'm a good child and there's nothing wrong with that ~