`( midnight carnival ) — ( MinMi Park )

 `MinMi Park
  The Zany


 `( welcome to the night. that's right)


`replace carnival photo with ulzzang. 220 x 132.


`( come into the carnival )

username :: caramelsweet

nickname :: Mimi

activity level :: 8.5


`( darlings of nausea )

full name :: MinMi Park

*nicknames :: 

  • Mimi - Her friends think that its quite difficult to say the 'n' and they decided to call her Mimi
  • Shortie/Midget - Cause she is short, and not because she has the disease.

birthday :: 10/01/1994

age :: 18

ethnicity :: Korean

birthplace :: Seoul, South Korea

hometown :: Seoul, South Korea

spoken languages :: English, Korean, Japanese


`( but you have seen it, haven't you? )

ulzzang :: Kim Seuk Hye, Joo

back-up ulzzang :: Park Sora

height :: 150 cm

weight :: 45 kg

appearance :: 

  • She has a long straight and wavy brownish hair that reaches down to her chest area. She prefers her hair loose but if she ties her hair, it would be in a ponytail. She has a lean body. She has a scar below her lips. She has 3 tattoos on er body. A skull tattoo at her back, a sparrow tattoo at the side of her lright thigh and a wings tattoo at the back of her neck.

style :: 

  • She doesn't like wearing dresses. Its a no no for her. She loves wearing pants, shorts and any shirt, as long as its comfortable. She is more of a shorts person. She prefers wearing sneakers or high heels over anything. She adores high heels, she wears it because of her height, she loves high heels, its like as if she's wearing sneakers. Its just that comfortable for her. For accesories wise, she don't really like wearing them cause she would just lose it at the end of the day. She likes spiky and studded stuffs. style 1 (inside she wears shorts)  ll   style two  ll  style three  ll  style four ll style five


`( while riding on a horse that goes `round and `round )

personality :: 

  • When people see's MinMi at first sight, this first word they'd think of is, 'She must be crazy.' , 'she's so noisy'. Yes, she is crazy and talkative but thats all because of her cheerful and hyperactive attitude. She is quite stubborn. If she says she doesn't want to then it means she won't do it unless someone can change her mind. A way to keep her quiet is to give her food. Thats the only time she keeps quiet, including sleeping time also. She is very cheerful and friendly. She has a lot of friends, and because of that, she gets information fast. She is just that outgoing. She enjoys being with her friends.


  • Her flaw is that she is very straightforward and blunt. She says things without thinking twice. If something is itching at the tip of her tongue, she was just blurt it out. She doesn't care about other people's feelings, she says what she want to say and she do what she wants to do. Sometimes, she would accidentally spill out somebody's secret without her realising it and she would realise it only after 5 seconds later. 


  • A smile is always lit up on her face. She would laugh at things that are not even funny, lets just say she laugh at almost everything. She has never been sad or worried or panic. She has a 'i-don't-give-a-damn-about-anything-cause-i-just-wanna-have-fun' attitude. Because of her attitude, she is always in her own world. She would find ways to enjoy herself cause she lives by the motto 'Live life to the fullest. Live, Love and Laugh like there's no tomorrow' 


history ::  MinMi was born and raised in Seoul, South Korea in a filthy rich family. Her family owns lots of shoppping malls, her brother would be the heir. She was born a queenka, wherever she goes, people would be saying 'hi' and 'hello' to her. Her father had sent her to martial arts class so taht she would know how to defend herself in case she gets attack or what. Without her parents knowing, her brother and herself had joined a dance crew and they were the founder of it. They have a passion for dancing. She had been doing this for 5 years.

fears :: 

  • » She doesn't like being alone
  •                     »  She has a phobia of looking at her own blood
  •                     » Insects
  •                     » clowns
  •                     » Needles

likes :: 

  • » Food
  • » Studded stuffs
  •                     » Pink
  •                     » stargazing
  •                     » Animals
  •                     » Swimming
  •                     » Adventuring
  •                     » Discovering new things.
  •                     » People playing with her hair

dislikes :: 

  • » Spicy food
  • » Dark and small places
  •                     » Ghost
  •                     » Getting herself dirty
  •                     » Being forced or ordered to do something
  •                     » conceited people
  •                     » People teasing about her height

habits :: 

  • » Clapping her hands while laughing
  • » Crossing her eyes while she's daydreaming
  •                     » Mumbling gibberish when she has nothing to say. She needs to keep moving
  •                     » Pinches and squishing her cheeks when she is bored
  •                     » Panicking when she can't find her phone and then slapping herself when she finds out that she was holding her phone in her hand all the time.

hobbies :: 

  • » Inventing her on recipe but its a fail for most of the time
  • » Playing and trying to tame animals. Just anykind of animals, not caring if its dangerous or harmless.
  •                     » Playing her ukelele and singing at the same time. 
  •                     » Riding her baby around seoul at night, racing through the road, not caring about the laws, its just her and her baby.

trivia :: 

  • » Hitting people when she is sleeping
  • »A very messy girl
  •                     » Hates cleaning
  •                     » She has a worm like body, very flexible, from head to toe.
  •                     » Has a thing for biceps and back mucle. She loves muscular but not bulky arms and back muscles.
  •                     » She curse profanities whenever she is surprised 


`( but there's no one there )

family :: [ follow this format : relation | name | age | occupation | 4 personality key words | closeness from 1-10 ]

» Father  l  Park TaeJun  l  40  l  CEO of some shopping malls  l  Caring, Loving, Hot-tempered, Hard-working  l  8

                    » Mother  l  Ryu JungRoo  l  38  l  Secretary of her husband  l  Understanding, Caring, Loving , Outgoing  l  9

                    » Brother l  Park JiHo  l  22  l  Heir of their company  l  Funny, Gullible, Caring, Protective  l  10

adventure buddies ::

» The Zany  l  1  l  They both match with each other. They're like twins. They like a complete duplicate of each other and they understand each other very well.

*friend/s :: [ the people you were friends with outside the carnival. 4 max. name | age | *group | 4 personality key words | closeness from 1-10 ]

» Krystal  l  18  l  f(x)  l  Shy, friendly, kind, understanding  l  2

                    » L.Joe  l  19  l  Teen Top  l  Joker, Jerk , Caring, Protective  l  2

*rival/s :: ---


`( i wonder how far this run down carnival will go )

how you find out about the carnival ::  While Minmi was riding her baby through Seoul's nightlife , she park her bike at the side and lean against it to stargaze, she overheard some people talking about the 'Hana Carnival', something about it finally appearing after 100 of years and making its appearance in Busan. She finds this 'Hana Carnival' quite mysterious and interesting, so her being somone who loves adventuring, she decides to go there.

how did you react when you got stuck in the carnival :: It would be a lie if she said that she's not a teeny bit frightened. Her feels, its was a mixture of everything, fear, excitement, curiosity, panic, all sorts of emotions were running through her body. She wanted to adventure in the carnival, discovering things which she has never discovered before, walking from one end to another end.

did the circus crew scare you at first :: She wasn't scared, it was more like they surprise the  s h i t  out of her, she thought her heart was gonna jump out of her body. She found them mysterious, unsual, something or rather someone she had never seen before. She wanted to make friends with them, get to know them.

were you willing to go to the carnival in the first place :: Of course! She was more than wiling to go to the carnival, even if it means that she's going alone. She wanted to adventure through the carnival, who knows what new things she would discover. And the fact that it just reappear after 100 years just intrigued her.

favorite carnival attraction :: Kamikaze and Hurricane


`( but i don't want to be alone )

love interest :: Oh 'Sehun' Sehun

his plotline :: The Wolf Rider

back-up love interest :: Huang 'Tao' Zi Tao

his plotline :: The puppeteer

how you met :: MinMi was lost inside the carnival and somehow ended up in one of the circus tents. She walk around inside the tent and began to look around. As she was just about to touch one of the stuffs(for the Wolf Rider)/ puppets(for the puppeteer) someone shouted at her making her flinch and curse in shock. He ask her what she was doing in here and told her to get out and she said she got lost. He showed her the way to the carnival attractions and not the circus.

relationship :: Its really hard for MinMi to talk to him. He don't even let out of single word, if he does, they are short cold sentences, She admits that this is by far one of the most hardest things she has gone through. She is determine to change him, to make him talk more, not as much as her but at least someone who she can put a decent conversation with. He finds her quite annoying but is amused by the fact that she is so determine to make him talk. She's the first person who could tolerate with his attitude. If there is ever a long sentence that comes out from his mouth, it wouldn't even makes sense to her cause for all she knows is that he gave her clues of what his past was or how to rescue herself and with a puny brain like hers, she could't understand anything.

does he like you at first? :: 

if yes :: ---

if no :: He doesn't  like her the first time he saw her because she was going to touch something precious to him. She was invading his privacy for all he knows. Who knows what she found out inside the tent. He was pissed with her.

finale :: SURPRISE ME :D But i hope he's alive 


`( it's deserted! )

comments :: I think this is gonna be awesomeeeeeee. And i think my spp is so ermm....terrible? But i seriously hope i get chosen >_< And and HWAITING for this story an chooing the applicants!! :D

suggestions :: hmmm hmm hmmm, can't think of any. I'm thinking of something like the girls were stuck in a maze(house of mirrors) and they needed to find the way out within a given set of time and if they fail, the mirrors would slowly come together and smash her. 

I  have another suggestion :D The carnival master tortured them to become a circus crew. Like literally torture them. 


scene requests :: If my love interest is Sehun(I seriously hope it would be, thats if i get selected) i want a scene where Mimi would be playing with some wolves and Sehun would suddenly appear behind her and i don't know what happens after that. He opens up to her since the wolves like her? Like something sweet >_<

If its Tao, i want a scene where he teaches her how to control puppets.

do you mind if your character dies? :: Yes. [i don't wanna die, call me selfish or what but i don't want her to die >_<]

do you think there should be any sort of ual stuff in the story? :: Yes. Erm like kiss scenes or something more heated but the s__ part just cut it out. LIke 'the kiss was getting heated and he was touching me and i was in utter bliss'(omg this is so fail). Just no >_<

password :: ( carnival ) 

time is running out :: so i better get out.


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