I just read someone's application for someone's story, and found out a few things that was some what similar to mine.

WAS IT A COINCIDENCE? i am guessing NOT.

I'm a little annoyed now cause what that person did was to write the opposite of my character's personality.




MINE -> "...also explains her fast paced talking..."

HERS -> "...she talks softly but fast..."


Another one?

MINE -> "...Does the puffy face when taking photographs..."

HERS -> "...puffed her cheeks when angry..."


And another...

MINE -> "...Has single eyelids and need eyelid tape to get double eyelids..."

HERS -> "... She has double eyelids and really big round eyes..."


And yet.. another..

MINE -> "...Must tilt head to the right when taking photo..."

HERS -> "...she loves to wink and tilt her head a lot..."



MINE -> "...Perfect pitch..."

HERS -> "... She could sings on perfect tone and pitch..."


And when I thought there wasn't any more left...

MINE ->  "... After singing several Dong Bang Shin Ki's songs, 5 man burst into room like FBI agents and pointed at Park Rae when she was holding on the mic and spoke loud korean words which none of them understood. Lucky, one of the JYP agents knew english and told Park Rae she was to be auditioned for JYP's new girl group."

HERS -> "...Park Jinyoung spots her sing along with JYPentertainment artists' songs..."

(from above, some how, we both got spotted cos we were singing, how coincidental eh?)



Tell me what you think? Am i thinking too much?

I'm really upset now because my original character that I created for several hours are being pirated. =(


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