First Try [please view!!]

I just learn how to make  a poster about a months ago.

And Now, I get so addicted to it.

This is my first try doing this such genre poster, I'm just trying

I want to improve it more


Can someone give me a feedback.?

I'm glad if you do :)

This is a poster from my oneshot



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It looks really good ^^
It's nice.. it give the sad aura and scary at the same time~ well, it's also give the look about heartbreak.. for me it's just nice, not too crowded and messy but the colour is a little bit dark, i prefer something light but if it fits your story well, then, it's ok~~#^_^# the arrangement of characters i think just fine but if you put a little more to the right to make it at the middle would be nicer.. anyway, nice job~~