Sherlock - Park MinMI
What comes around goes around.




Username : caramelsweet

Activeness : 9.5


-----Well, hello.

Gender : [Male/Female.  Italic your choice]

You're a : [Freshman/Sophomore/Senior.  Italic your choice]

Department : Tourism and Hospitality. 

Full name : Park MinMi 파크 민 미 

Nickname : Mimi - Her friends took out her 'n' cause they think its easier to call her 'mimi' instead of 'minmi'

Code name : Midget (cause she's short, not because she has the disease, its just that she's short)

Birthdate : 1st October 2004

Blood type : B+


-----Let's start the game.

Personality : Mimi is cheerful, friendly and hyper. She doesn't know when to shut up. She always try to be positive. She is very clumsy. She tends to trip and fall down easily and miraculously she doesn't have a scar on her body. She has a phobia of being alone especially in the dark. She tends to bottle up her feelings and when she can't bottle it up anymore, she just explodes out everything and ends up in a crying mess. She is a crybaby. She would cry when she is too angry, confused, lost. She has no sense of direction and because of that, there were various times where she almost gotten detention but luckily she arrived at school like 5-10 seconds before the bell rings. She is a sarcastic girl. She would give sarcastic replies when people states the obvious like when its night time, someone would say 'Its night already' and Mimi would reply with 'No its not. Are you blind or something? Its afternoon and the sun is blazing hot and hurting my eyes.'

She is a straightforward kind of person. She says whatever that comes to her mind without thinking twice. She tends to hurt people with her words without her realising. She is just that oblivious. She tends to daydream when she's bored. She has a big appetite, there is always food inside her bag. If its legal, she would have been married with food by now, but the weird thing is she never gets fat. 

She believes in supernatural stuffs. She is quick-minded. She is very alert. She tends to spout gibberish when she can't come out with answers or can't think of anything. People around her thinks that she is innocent, like she has never been tainted with anything but they don't know her. She has a deep dark secret which nobody knows, not even her family.

His/Her background : She is born into an average family. She is the youngest in her family. She has a big brother, a mother and a father. Her mother works as a teacher at a kindergarten, her father work as a manager at a hotel and her brother work as a bartender. From the outside, people would think she has a happy family, but nope, that is so not true. Her parents would always fight with each other, whenever they see each other, they would fight and its always at night. Her brother work as a bartender at a bar so that he wouldn't hear all their fights/arguments since his work starts at night and ends in the morning. Mimi is sick and tired of their arguments/fights. She had tried multiple times to stop them but her efforts just goes down the drain. She was sick and tired of all this. She had a lot of thoughts of running away from home but she thinks twice and decided not to.

Her brother is the only one who she counts as her family and her parents barely have any bonding time with her.

Her parents almost got a divorced but then they reconciled. After they reconciled, they started their usual arguments and all that. She couldn't take all of this anymore and decided to find a way to get away from this house every night and that is to find a job. A job which would take all her pain, frustrations, stress away. A job where she would leave from her house at night and come back in the early morning. A job like her brother.

Fault's/Sin's background : Her sin was like a drug to her. It was so addictive, like a gateway to paradise. Believe it or not, she was not so innocent, in fact she was tainted. On that night, the night which she could take all of her parents arguments anymore, she sneak out of her house and went for a job hunting and she somehow ended up at a club. All her frustrations, pain and stress turns into lust whenever she goes there. She would get so aroused whenever she saw mens who has a muscular build especially the arms. With her looks, it was easy as 123 to seduce them and give him and her the time of her life. In this way, she could release all her emotions.

She continued doing this until that one day, that one day when she felt an immense pain in her stomach and went to the washroom to do her business. She kept pushing but nothing was out, until she heard something heavy drop into the toilet bowl. She look and she was so freaking shocked to find baby, no, a small dead foetus inside it. She was holding back her scream and tears. She ask herself many questions like 'how can she not know that she was pregnant?' 'why wasn't her tummy growing big?' etc. From that day on, she stop doing all the things s do and the guiltiness she felt made her miserable. She felt so guilty for killing the baby and it was all because of her lust.

Likes :

  •  Food - Its like a temporary medicine for her to forget her negative feelings and its makes her hyper, so she always keep eating but never gain weight. Most preferrably, she would eat sweet stuffs non-stop.
  • Spiky/studded stuffs - She is just so obsess with this spiky and studded stuffs. Most of her clothings and shoes and bags are studded.
  • Sitting under a tree and enjoying the breeze if there's any at an open field - It keeps her mind off things for a while

Dislikes : 

  • Insects - She hates them to the core. She doesn't know why, but she just hates it, it disgusts her for some reason.
  • Babies/Kids - She feels guilty for her dead baby when she see them. 
  • Spicy food - Normally, being a korean, they love spicy food but Mimi is the opposite. She doesn't like it but ddeokbukki is an exception. She just hates spicy food, she can't stand it.

Fears : 

  • Being Alone - She has a phobia of being alone. She gets very paranoid
  • Needles - She fears it. Just thinking of the needle, she would think of injections. The way the  long needle goes into her arm to release the medicine inside her, she finds it scary. She would panic and cry like there's no tomorrow when she sees it.
  • Dark and small places - Its scares her, being alone in that dark and small place. It scares her. She would be thinking that her dead baby wanted to kill her and take revenge for not bringing her baby up and taking care of it. Like the baby would appear out of nowhere and chase her while holding needles to kill her.

Hobby : 

  • Taking pictures - She takes pictures, pictures of herself, people or scenerys. She wanted to be a photographer since young but she also wanted to travel around the world so she chose the latter since she gets to take pictures to when she is travelling.
  • Baking - She loves sweet stuffs so much that she is determine to learn how to back all her favourite pastries. She has become an awesome baker thanks to this.
  • Taking a drive in her sweetheart, her lovely range rover - It just cools her mind and it was a present from her brother's hard-earned money. She adores her sweetheart so much. She has a thing for big cars.



Love interest : 

  • Oh Sehun(Exo-k)  l  19  l  Senior  l  Tourism and Hospitality

His/Her personality :

  • On that day when she found she was pregnant right after finding the baby foetus in the toilet bowl, she ran out of the house to the nearby park and sat under a huge tree. She cried her hearts out. She was so tempted to kill herself. At the park, there was a lake, a deep lake. She stood at the age of the lake, feeling so freaking guilty and jump into the lake while crying. She was saved by Sehun who saw her jumping into the lake. He pulled her out of the lake and gave CPR to her. She woke up thinking she was dead but to her dismay, she wasn't. She was so angry and hit Sehun saying 'WHY THE HECK DID YOU SAVE ME? I WANTED TO DIE.I wanted to run away from all...this misery..all this feels i'm feeling. I wanted to run away from all this and YOU JUST HAD TO SAVE ME. THANKS! I'M SOOOOOOO THANKFUL YOU SAVED ME." She glared at Sehun and Sehun was dumbfounded. He nagged at her to why she should not kill herself and blablabla. From that day on, Sehun had always kept a watcful eye on her making sure she wouldn't do any stupid stuffs that would kill her.They became close and soon enough she fell for each other but she was scared to fall in love with him. She denied that she loved him. She was scared that when he knew about her sinful past, he would be disgusted of her and not talk to her. Like who wouldn't..right? 


  • So to sum it all up, Sehun is protective, caring towards her. He would make sure she is safe and that no harm would be done to her. To him, she was like a glass, a fragile glass which would break when it drops. He swore that he would take care of her, be her knight in shining armour. He found Mimi quite mysterious, like there was something she didn't tell him about her past, something dark and deep. He is also ertic towards Mimi, only towards her and she would just play along with him .


Back up love interest : 

  • Luhan  Exo-m  l  19  l  Senior  l  Performing arts

His/Her personality :  Same as above

Bestfriend(s) : 

  • Hyuna (4minute)  l  18  l  Sophomore  l  Tourism and Hospitality
  • Ailee  l  18  l  Sophomore  l  performing arts
  • L.Joe Teen Top  l  19  l  Senior  l  Tourism and Hospitality


------Open your mask.

Eohljjang : Kim Seuk Hye/Joo - one  two  three  

Back up Eohljjang : Park Sora  -  one  two  three 


------It's not the end.

Dare to die? : Yes/No  

Suggestions : Nope, nothing :D i can't wait for you to update and i hope you like my character :D

Password : Momento Mori


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