When You Go Down In The Woods -- Park MinMi


Reality Check

Username: caramelsweet

Profile Link: clickclickclick

Activeness?: 9/10


I Want To Know Who I’m Killing

Full name (Korean only): Park MinMi

Age ( No younger than 16 ): 16

Date of Birth: 1st October

Height (cm): 150cm

Weight (kg): 40kg


1st ulzzang (5+ image links): Kim Seu Hye/ Joo - 1  l  2  l  3  l  4  l  5  l  6

2nd ulzzang (5+ image links): Park Sora  -  1  l  2  l  3  l  4  l  5  l  6  


Personal Details 

Personality  : Minmi is like alll those typical girls out there. There's nothing special about her unless  you count being a gymnast and a hip hop dancer is special. She is cheerful, friendly and talkative. She doesn't know when to shut up. She doesn't like anything that has got to do with cleaning. She doesn't mind getting down and dirty cause she finds an excitement in doing so. She is very clumsy. She always trip and fall over air and makes an excuse everytime when she trips, like saying 'The floor looks like it needed a hug/kiss so i gave it to the floor' or 'Gravity loves me too much'. She can be a sarcastic girl when she wants to. When people states the obvious, should would give them sarastic replies. 

She is a stubborn girl. If she has her eye on something, she'll never let it get away and make it hers, not caring if its a living or non-living thing. She is very determine. She is a crybaby. She has a phobia of seeing her own blood, being alone and dark places. She despises it. She hates insects. People may think she's fragile and vulnerable, but she's not. She knows how to defend herself by using her gymnast ribbon, yes her ribbon. Unbelievable, i know but she somehow ties the ribbon on a person who wants to attack her and uses her butterfly knife and threaten that person. 

She is very flexible, agile and strong. She doesn't like depend on people but if she has to, she would depend on people. Her flaw is that she's freaking clumsy. She is in love with food, if she can, she would marry food. 

Background/History  : She is born into a rich family. Her family owns  Car Company. They basically sold cars. (Like you don't say. HAHA) Her brother is the heir to the company. Minmi is pretty popular in school, but for some reasons she is called the 'ice princess' in school. She prefers not to make any friends in school cause she can't trust anybody. They might want to be friends with her because of her money and not herself. The only friends she has is her hip hop dance crew. They're like her 2nd family.

Family (name | age | relation | personality; brief) : 

  • Park JiHo  l  40  l  Father  l  Like any other father out there, he's protective of her but gives her plenty of freedom. He is caring, hardworking and loving. He would do just anything to ensure his family is safe.
  • Jung Hye Ju  l  38  l  Mother l  An awesome cook. She is loving, understanding and supportive of MinMi's and her brother's decisions. 
  • Park TaeJun  l  20  l  Brother l  Overprotective. He is determine and stubborn but he's like any other typical brother. Caring. He is also in the same dance crew as MinMi.


You Give Me Hope

Love Interest #1 : Exo-K Sehun  l  18  l  Playful, prankster but he's very caring towards MinMi. They love to tease each other. They become the ertic prankster couple whenever they're together. They stuck to each other like a glue. He always tries to seduce MinMi but fail dramatically. She would just laugh it off and then seduce him back and he gets quite aroused by it. You know boys, raging hormones. 

Love Interest #2 : Exo-K Kai  l  18 l  The same as above.

Love Interest #3 :  EXO- K Chanyeol  l  18  l  The same as above :D


Any Last Words?

Comments: I hope i get selected, and um if you need me to edit something just tell me and I hope you like my character and i get chosen :D Hwaiting on your story :D

Random, but is there any way you’d like to die?:  I don't know. Surprise me author :)

Additional information: She brings her gymnast ribbon and her butterfly knive in case she is attack so she can defend herself.



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